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  1. #1
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    Default Crox on balsa vs linen

    I'm sure this has been addressed at length in prior posts but...I can't find them. I've been using Crox on linen with fair results. I have been working on an ebay special, a Brockton, finishing w/ Crox on linen and have gotten decent shaves from it. Recently I got a piece of balsa and pasted it using the Crox spray. After a shave with the Brockton after 20 laps on the pasted (sprayed?) balsa I'm convinced that the shave was significantly better than after pasted linen. Any comments from more experienced users on the virtues of pasted linen versus balsa? And, for good measure, any merit of Crox spray vs paste?

  2. #2
    Shave like a pyrate! Pyrateknight's Avatar
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    I can't give any input as all I use is a CrOx linen strop, but I am also interested in others opinions on this topic.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member DoughBoy68's Avatar
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    I have not used Crox on linen but have used it on felt, leather, balsa and newspaper with very satisfactory results. I mix powdered Crox with mineral oil.

  4. #4
    Rock collector robellison01's Avatar
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    I mix CrOx powder with mineral oil also, and I use it on balsa. Haven't tried it on linen because I've read that it has a tendency to round the edge. I am very happy with the results from CrOx on balsa, followed by linen and leather.

  5. #5
    Pasted Man Castel33's Avatar
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    Default Crox on balsa vs linen

    Quote Originally Posted by mumpig View Post
    I'm sure this has been addressed at length in prior posts but...I can't find them. I've been using Crox on linen with fair results. I have been working on an ebay special, a Brockton, finishing w/ Crox on linen and have gotten decent shaves from it. Recently I got a piece of balsa and pasted it using the Crox spray. After a shave with the Brockton after 20 laps on the pasted (sprayed?) balsa I'm convinced that the shave was significantly better than after pasted linen. Any comments from more experienced users on the virtues of pasted linen versus balsa? And, for good measure, any merit of Crox spray vs paste?
    Crox on balsa is much more aggressive then on linen. Some will say it gives a harsher edge.

    I have found I need less laps on Crox on balsa to get the edge where I like it.

    Linen provides a smoother edge but takes more laps to get a good edge

    Leather provides the smoothest edge with Crox but takes a lot of laps to get an edge I like.

    So I stick to balsa for the most part. I like a slightly aggressive edge though.

  6. The Following User Says Thank You to Castel33 For This Useful Post:

    mumpig (09-18-2012)

  7. #6
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    I have tryed ti crox that comes already in apaste and works very well.. I tryed it on leather padle leather hanger and balsa...I have to say balsa works so quik . I'd recomend no more than 5 laps at atime ... the leather hanging strop pulled taught works very well with 10 t0 15 laps , linen also just as well. flat paddle on leather seems to work slower for me .. I have crox spray and have tryed it on felt and i'm not convinced it works as well as balsa or leather hanging strop.. .5 diamond spray on the other hand works on felt a treat ... I'd recomend balsa or small dovo hanging leather or linen.. just remeber less strokes with balsa .

  8. The Following User Says Thank You to gary haywood For This Useful Post:

    mumpig (09-20-2012)

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