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  1. #1
    Zig is offline
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    Default Strop Dressing sequences

    Greetings,,, I got some strop dressing and I'm not sure if I've duplicated some and in which order I should use them to strop or when...

    I have the Dovo Red and Black each applied to its own side of balsa glued to pine, the red advertised for somewhat dull blades, the black for a mirro finish.

    I have the TI white paste on an old Illinois leather strop and,

    I have some 0.5 in a syringe ( aluminum oxide and diamond by a div of Norton) not on anything yet.

    I have an Illinois 827 strop with nothing on it. (I do have a jar of Illinois dressing that I don't think I'll use as it smells like the mens room disinfectant at the bus station )

    So, in which order would I use each paste before the final strop on the 827 and do I need to use them all each time I 'fine tune' the edge between honing?

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Member AFDavis11's Avatar
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    I'm not sure so take this with a grain of salt for now . . . lots of guys use pastes more than me. I'm a stone guy but . . .

    I'd use the black for finishing to refresh the edge then I'd use the red only if that failed. I think the TI White is for linen. The .5 is also a finishing grit so that could go next to last too. Then ofcourse, plain leather last. I'd either shy away from pastes and hanging strops or use them very rarely. They can roll an edge an they cut waaaaaaay fast. Just like 5 passes max on anything hanging.

    To hone a razor I'd do a stone first, but with only pastes I think I'd use red, then black, then plain. Cleaning each before the next. You might benefit from black then .5, but I don't remember the exact grit of the black (1m maybe?)

  3. #3
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    The TI white paste is about 2 micron's and should not be used on the linen.

    Just a quick note!
    Randolph Tuttle, a SRP Mentor for residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin

  4. #4
    Member AFDavis11's Avatar
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    Thanx Randy . . . maybe I was thinking of some other white paste or chalk.

  5. #5
    Still hasn't shut up PuFFaH's Avatar
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    Yeh, the Dovo white is for the linen.

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