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Thread: stropping during storage?

  1. #1
    32t is online now
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    Default stropping during storage?

    I had a thought tonight while playing with a new to me used strop. I cleaned it a little and have rubbed it with my hand etc. but the act of stropping itself seems to have the most favorable effect of bringing it back to life. As I saw it hanging there tonight I thought I would give it a little exercise. My latest favorite doesn't need 300 strokes a day so I grabbed a couple that I haven't used in a while. My mind wanders while I strop so that is why I never can give an accurate stroke count! So here was my thinking.

    Stropping removes oxidation that my eyes at least cannot see. Even oiled these blades have not been used in months. Stropping and re oiling is not going to hurt them but would it help keep them in top condition for the next time it strikes my fancy to use them? Does anyone do anything like this or should I go on to my next daydream?


  2. #2
    The Electrochemist PhatMan's Avatar
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    I do something similar with my razors in storage; every three (3) months I will take these razors and strop them on a linen paddle coated with Sentry Solutions TufGlide. The whole blade is then wiped with TufGlide and the razor put back into their sealed KlipLok storage containers. Wooden scales are given a wipe of Renaissance wax.

    Have fun !

    Best regards

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  3. #3
    learning something new every day Deerhunter1995's Avatar
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    I must admit that i dont think it does much good one of my w&B i have was found sitting in a old cigar box in a friend of my great grand parents house they got it for me but anyway i splashed some alchocol on it and used it and it was super sharp right out of the box (lol pun intended) but it hadent been touched in at least 15 yrs and you would have never known . so i dont think its worth the effort unless you love playing with your razors.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 32t View Post
    I had a thought tonight while playing with a new to me used strop. I cleaned it a little and have rubbed it with my hand etc. but the act of stropping itself seems to have the most favorable effect of bringing it back to life. As I saw it hanging there tonight I thought I would give it a little exercise. My latest favorite doesn't need 300 strokes a day so I grabbed a couple that I haven't used in a while. My mind wanders while I strop so that is why I never can give an accurate stroke count! So here was my thinking.

    Stropping removes oxidation that my eyes at least cannot see. Even oiled these blades have not been used in months. Stropping and re oiling is not going to hurt them but would it help keep them in top condition for the next time it strikes my fancy to use them? Does anyone do anything like this or should I go on to my next daydream?

    I can't touch this,,,no I can't go there,,,,I have control,,,I have control,,,,,,,, I have no other forums to go to after I get banned from this one,,,,Name:  smiley-laughing021-1.gif
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  5. #5
    ace is offline
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    I've pulled razors from storage after a year or more and just shaved with them with great results. If your storage is good, no oxidation worth worrying about occurs. Good storage means not in the bathroom, in a dry area and wrapped in a medium that allows "breathing".
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  6. #6
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Yea, I have razors I haven't used in years and when I do use them they shave just fine.

    However, if nothing else it is good to examine razors with celluloid scales every now and then to make sure rot hasn't started.
    32t and Martin103 like this.
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