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Thread: Heavy then light pressure

  1. #11
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    To the guys who say they try to strop 'harder'; have you tried using a canvas strop first, and then a normal strop? The canvas is much better at removing any irregularities (or I think this is what's happening), and you don't have to use much pressure at all.

  2. #12
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    I have never found a benefit to using heavy pressure while stropping on either linen/cotton or leather. The amount of pressure I use is just sufficient to deflect the strop 1/2" in the middle while holding it taut. I suspect that you have rounded the edge from using to much pressure and the razor needs a touch up honing.

    Just my $.02
    onimaru55 likes this.
    Randolph Tuttle, a SRP Mentor for residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin

  3. #13
    Senior Member TucoRamirez's Avatar
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    When I started I rolled the edge most likely by using too much pressure. The shave wasn't fun

    Keeping the spine on the strop and using light pressure are key IMHO.

  4. #14
    Senior Member rcavazos1922's Avatar
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    ok I changed my stropping routine...again. I use an English Bridle strop with moderate pressure (what I call moderate pressure) for 30 laps. Then switch to a SRD Premium I or Tony Miller Steerhide (real light draw) strop for about 25 laps. All this after 30 laps on Genuine Linen. I'm getting what I think is good results. Razors are cutting leg hair med length.

  5. #15
    At Last, my Arm is Complete Again!! tinkersd's Avatar
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    Light to medium pressure only, not any benefit to any harder strokes, it will only roll the edge, very bad thing mate, just have to spenc more time stropping, that's all, not a biggy.

    Sincerely, tinkersd

  6. #16
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    When I first started stropping I remember carefully following the advice to maintain minimal pressure ... But I was barely keeping the blade in contact with the strop that way and I think it didn't help.

    My breakthrough was when I deliberately did 30 linen and 60 leather with proper technique, and ensuring that the spine and edge were in full, even contact with the strop through the lap. I was sure I was going to need to re-hone the razor; but when I took it off the strop, it plinked off my arm hair effortlessly.

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to Fogcutter For This Useful Post:

    randydance062449 (12-28-2012)

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