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  1. #1
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    Default Stropping Technique Or Hanging vs Paddle Strop

    Sometimes I wonder if I would get a better leather stropping result with a smooth leather paddle strop vs a hanging strop. I mention this because while using my hanging strop, even if I pull it tight there is some sag which could cause some rounding of the blade edge. A paddle strop will stay absolutely flat. Wha'da'ya' think? Anything to this?


  2. #2
    Still hasn't shut up PuFFaH's Avatar
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    There are differing types of paddle strop. Some are relativly flat while others are cusioned to differing degrees and some are ajustable from slack to tight. When I use a hanging strop, i found that depending on the state of the razors edge, I use it tight or slack.
    As to a choice between hanging or paddle, personal pref and style of stropping action is the factors there.

  3. #3
    Member AFDavis11's Avatar
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    This is entirely my opinion, and one even I'm uncertain about.

    I've been experimenting a bit and I'm beginning to conclude that a hanging strop is mandatory, and here is why. The strop is designed to do two things. Smooth the bevel on the edge and unfeather the edge to create a good shaving edge.

    I'm finding that the strop should be held very taught for smoothing the bevel and should be allowed to sag very very slightly in order to unfeather the edge. These two actions are separate actions, yet both strops can achieve both actions, they just can't do both perfectly.

    I believe that a paddle strop is designed for maximum smoothing and a hanging strop is designed for maximum unfeathering of the edge (but is more versatile because it can be held very taught, yet never completely flat).

    That is why I think that manufacturers went to such great lengths to create sagging paddle strops, including those with adjustments for the amount of sag.

    Now I'm not suggesting that a strop should be allowed to sag a lot. But a slight sag may be very helpful. Or atleast I find it helps a lot with overall shaveability.

    You may find that a paddle works better for you, then again you may not. To find out might I suggest laying it flat on a table and stropping like that and seeing if things get better. But don't be too surprised if the razor feels smooth but doesn't cut as well.
    Last edited by AFDavis11; 12-26-2006 at 09:58 PM.

  4. #4
    Still hasn't shut up PuFFaH's Avatar
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    It may be that you (straightman) may not be stropping correctly and thus losing the edge. Try to not pull like a man possesed on the strop but temper the tension with the amount of pressure you lay down with the razor. Relax. Try not to get the strop BAR tight but just taught. If you pull hard on the strop you are not concentrating on the action with the razor but trying to think of both things at once. May I suggest you try hanging the strop in a different hight. Try stropping up-hill instead of down-hill. I have my course (pasted etc ) strops hung low and my finishing strops hung high.

    All that aside, you may get on better with a paddle and many have in the past. You find your own sweet spot. Dont give up on one technique till you tried all the variables first.


  5. #5
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    You know that old saying, different strokes for different folks. Its a matter of what you start with and get used to using. I never really warmed to the paddle strop and have been using a hanging strop exclusively, well almost, I do have one for travel only and I really don't like it. Just try both and see what gives you the best results and use that but be proficient in both. That will give your straight skill more depth.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  6. #6
    Senior Member Tony Miller's Avatar
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    I still prefer a hanging strop for daily use as it does have just a little sag to it. The paddle is really suited to pastes in my opinion but there are those who prefer it for daily use which may be becuase they are not as skilled with the hanging type.

    The Heirloom Razor Strop Company / The Well Shaved Gentleman

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