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Thread: Changed my stropping routine

  1. #1
    Senior Member Durhampiper's Avatar
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    Default Changed my stropping routine

    When I first started reading up on how to shave with and maintain a straight razor here, it seemed that the consensus on stropping ran toward "50 on linen (or cloth, webbing, etc)/100 on leather"--so that's what I did for probably a couple of years. But then as I continued to read I encountered recommendations to strop only on the leather pre-shave and only use the cloth for stropping post-shave to clean the edge. And then I sent a razor off to gssixgun for a restoration, and he recommended not stropping more than 50 laps so that the edge would last longer between honings. So I decided to experiment. First I tried stropping only on the leather pre-shave, about 80 laps, and on cloth and leather (20/40) post-shave. That didn't seem to give as comfortable a shave as my former stropping routine, but I wasn't sure whether it was because of fewer laps or because of stropping only on leather pre-shave. So instead of doing the scientific thing and only changing one variable, I changed everything: pre-shave, I stropped 20 laps on the webbing and 60 on the leather, and 15/30 post-shave. I've been using this routine for about 6 months now, and my shave are every bit as comfortable as when I was stropping 50/100. And my edges last just as long or maybe a bit longer. So for me, at least, I'd have to say that I get a more comfortable edge using both components of the strop pre-shave but at fewer laps than when I started out, than just stropping on leather alone. And as always, YMMV.
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  2. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Do a search for the Grand Experiment and you'll see this has been discussed before. I find around 10 on linen and 60 on leather is the best combination.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member 1holegrouper's Avatar
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    Preshave; I normally do 20 linen and 60 leather. I could probably get by with 10/50. If I feel I need to do more then its probably time for at least a Crox touchup or back to the hone. But, a lot of this depends upon your shaving,stropping style, your beard and the razor itself.

    Edit; PS; after the shave and dry off of the razor and before I oil the razor I do about 10 laps on the linen just to make sure the edge is clean and dry.

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Always just did 20/60 pre a shave and I don't strop post shave. Post shave is just a wipe down with toilet paper and an air dry for a couple of hours before storage. Shaves are comfortable enough I do not feel any need to experiment much. The improvements towards a comfortable shave have been that with time my stropping, shaving and honing skills just improved almost instep.

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  5. #5
    (John Ayers in SRP Facebook Group) CaliforniaCajun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Durhampiper View Post
    When I first started reading up on how to shave with and maintain a straight razor here, it seemed that the consensus on stropping ran toward "50 on linen (or cloth, webbing, etc)/100 on leather"--so that's what I did for probably a couple of years. But then as I continued to read I encountered recommendations to strop only on the leather pre-shave and only use the cloth for stropping post-shave to clean the edge. And then I sent a razor off to gssixgun for a restoration, and he recommended not stropping more than 50 laps so that the edge would last longer between honings. So I decided to experiment. First I tried stropping only on the leather pre-shave, about 80 laps, and on cloth and leather (20/40) post-shave. That didn't seem to give as comfortable a shave as my former stropping routine, but I wasn't sure whether it was because of fewer laps or because of stropping only on leather pre-shave. So instead of doing the scientific thing and only changing one variable, I changed everything: pre-shave, I stropped 20 laps on the webbing and 60 on the leather, and 15/30 post-shave. I've been using this routine for about 6 months now, and my shave are every bit as comfortable as when I was stropping 50/100. And my edges last just as long or maybe a bit longer. So for me, at least, I'd have to say that I get a more comfortable edge using both components of the strop pre-shave but at fewer laps than when I started out, than just stropping on leather alone. And as always, YMMV.
    I do 30 strokes on fabric or felt, then 50-70 strokes on leather before the shave. I do it again after the shave, to make sure the edge is free of any soap or water residue before it has a chance to dry and to make sure the whole razor is dry so it won't rust. This is especially important if you don't use the same razor every day.

    Straight razor shaver and loving it!
    40-year survivor of electric and multiblade razors

  6. #6
    Straight to the Point Gotdzel's Avatar
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    I've played with my routine a bit and I'm liking 25 on linen and 50-75 on leather. Depends on my mood. 😊 About once a week I hit the CrOx.

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