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Thread: Another strop question

  1. #1
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    Default Another strop question

    Before you say it, I have search all through the forms and links.

    What I am trying to make is a 3-sided paddle strop. I will use linen/Denim on one side and leather on the others. I have read a lot were people have sanded the leather to a 2000 grit finish. Is it possible to have a fine/2000 grit on the finish side and maybe sand the intermediate leather with a lesser grit say around 1000? I know there are paste, but I am not familiar with or the use. I would like to stay with the leather, but not sure it is the right choice.

    Thanks all

  2. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Using leather itself as a honing medium is not common. Vintage strops in some instances had a rougher side but it's a matter of degree. 1000 grit or 2000 grit is really rough. The Norton 4K stone is a pretty heavy duty honing medium. I don't think you will get leather to do that without paste and even then. 1000 grit? forget it.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    When people sand their strops it is generally to make it smoother. Fixing nicks and cuts with flaps etc. This will work some until you go through the epidural layer. Then you have suede. If what your after is 2 different levels of smooth on your leather then I would leave 1 alone and burnish the other. Burnishing is rubbing the leather with something as smooth as a glass bottle pushing the grain down. Google burnishing to see all the different ways. If your trying to use leather to hone then your going to need paste. Leather by itself will only maintain/polish an edge. I am really not sure what end result your looking for but I hope this helps some.
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  4. #4
    Scheerlijk Laurens's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SS502MC View Post
    I have read a lot were people have sanded the leather to a 2000 grit finish. Is it possible to have a fine/2000 grit on the finish side and maybe sand the intermediate leather with a lesser grit say around 1000?
    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    Using leather itself as a honing medium is not common. Vintage strops in some instances had a rougher side but it's a matter of degree. 1000 grit or 2000 grit is really rough. The Norton 4K stone is a pretty heavy duty honing medium. I don't think you will get leather to do that without paste and even then. 1000 grit? forget it.
    I think the OP means sanding one piece of leather with 1000 grit sandpaper and the other with 2000, to create a difference in smoothness. As to that question, I doubt you'll find a big difference between those: they'll be very smooth and super smooth. I think you'll profit more from having one pasted leather strop, one clean denim and one clean leather. Do correct me if I'm wrong, I use just a two-sided strop and have used a couple of pasted ones.

    As for pastes, you could search for crox (chromium oxide) or diamond pastes, they have been used and discussed abundantly. Other good choices include Dovo red and black paste.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Laurens View Post
    I think the OP means sanding one piece of leather with 1000 grit sandpaper and the other with 2000, to create a difference in smoothness. As to that question, I doubt you'll find a big difference between those: they'll be very smooth and super smooth. I think you'll profit more from having one pasted leather strop, one clean denim and one clean leather. Do correct me if I'm wrong, I use just a two-sided strop and have used a couple of pasted ones.

    As for pastes, you could search for crox (chromium oxide) or diamond pastes, they have been used and discussed abundantly. Other good choices include Dovo red and black paste.
    This is what I was trying to say. I guess I was not clear enough.

  6. #6
    Scheerlijk Laurens's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SS502MC View Post
    This is what I was trying to say. I guess I was not clear enough.
    No problem
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  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    No reason to give up on the 3 side strop it just isn't going to do what you want by sanding. To get more course use different material like denim and canvas. Maybe put a piece of balsa wood on it for paste then a linen side and then leather. That would give you the most use out of 3 sides I would think.
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  8. #8
    Senior Member kwlfca's Avatar
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    +1 to sanding being a waste of time. Have one side linen, one side leather with a bit of crox and one side clean leather.

  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    I take it you are trying to make paddle that resembles a 3 piece strop. That would mean linen, rough leather or textured leather then a smooth leather finishing side. Good luck
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