Quote Originally Posted by Razorfeld View Post
I have two horsehide shell strops, both at least 85 yrs old. One even has my last name stamped on it. Someone, maybe a distant relative ran a barber supply co in NYC back then and had his strops stamped with his company name. .. Results two hanging bench strops. Both with different draws and I have no preference. Just happy to have that addiction done and over with. If it were only that easy for soaps and creams, brushes, scuttles, mugs, bowls, razors and what have you.
Very cool! I too have a number of vintage shell strops and use them from time to time, rotating with modern Tony Miller and Kanayama versions. I love the feel of the things; they feel somehow alive compared to the stiff modern leathers. I guess I'll have to try kangaroo, it supposedly has a similar feel to it. See? There's that addiction again! Roger on the what have you.. all of it.
