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Thread: Flat versus Hanging Strop?

  1. #1
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    Default Flat versus Hanging Strop?


    Two strop questions. First, does the hanging strop have any advantage over the flat strop? Second, what does the uncoated strop do for you that a CrOx strop won't?

    I've got a couple of old curled up "horse butt" strops out in the shop. One is 'new', one has been scribbled on with a CrOx crayon a bit. I'm thinking of contact cementing these to a walnut base, neet's footing them to soften them up a bit, and using them for this.

    My hanging strop is getting cut up...and I figure I don't want to buy a new one until I've learned how to not to nick. So, these horse butts should be up next. Then I'll move to the belts I used to wear 50 lbs ago. Hopefully I'll be able to strop without knicking before I get to de-sole'ing old boots!

  2. #2
    ace is offline
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    Most here like hanging strops. I have two of them, very nice ones, but for years have used the SRD Paddle Strop. I just like to sit down and enjoy my stropping. I never have used pastes or CrOx, so I can't help you with that except to say that you certainly don't need to use it every time you strop.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Luis's Avatar
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    Its a matter of preference. I prefer a loom strop myself.

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  4. #4
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    For a new stropper a paddle or bench strop is what I would recommend. I rolled my edges for a while before I got the flip down. I have a few hangers and strop a little slack. It really improves the edge more than a paddle, but you run the risk of rolling the edge. I have it down though as Ive done 100 laps slack and my hht only improved.
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  5. #5
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    I prefer a hanging strop, but use an SRD modular paddle strop with a felt pad for CrOx. I go to the CrOx after the Naniwa SS 12k, and for touch ups. However, either a hanging or paddle strop will get the job done.

  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    I have horse butt on a stick myself. I will make a hanger someday but see no real need to yet. The paste is the step between hone and naked linen/leather. I don't use that . Neetsfoot oil is a great idea but I don't know how it would mix with the paste ???? might want to clean it all off first.
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  7. #7
    Senior Member UKRob's Avatar
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    It will be difficult to clean the one thas has paste on it already, but if it's dry then neatsfoot oil may help. You should definitely not use the strop if the lather is cracked and hard - you need a smooth surface to impart a smooth edge.

    There is no need to use a pasted strop daily whereas you should be stropping before every shave - from this you can see that you need an unpasted strop - so if the one you have is in good condition then try that and see how it goes. The same rules applies - don't use it if the leather is hard and cracked. You will be better off buying a new piece of leather if you want to make a paddle or bench strop.

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