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Thread: how many chrox passes is too much?

  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth Steel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boarder277 View Post

    i have the SRD CrOx crayon that Lynn sells, the Mastro Livi works very well but i prefer to buy several packets of the CrOx and FeOx powder from Larry @ Whipped Dog and simply re-apply a small amount of abrasives to my Balsa strop when necessary...very consistent results
    I have the same set up. How much powder would you say you use when you reapply? 1/4 teaspoon? And how much oil? How often have you had to do this? Just wondering since I will probably have to do this soon.
    Last edited by Steel; 01-24-2014 at 12:28 AM. Reason: Spelling
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  2. #12
    Senior Member Boarder277's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steel View Post
    I have the same set up. How much powder would you say you use when you reapply? 1/4 teaspoon? And how much oil? How often have you had to do this? Just wondering since I will probably have to do this soon.
    i typically use about 1/2 tsp...which is quite a bit...but i made my own Balsa's gut 18 inches of green stropping area on one side...and 18 inches of red stropping area on the it takes a bit more to do the job than re-aplying on the standard Whipped Dog piece of Balsa...

    i usually just add a few drops of mineral oil at a time while mixing the powder with my gloved finger....i just keep adding drops until the powder is well mixed and the consistency of finger paint.....then i just use a paint brush to paint it on the typically stays in one area on the surface so i will then just add drops of mineral oil directly onto the Balsa wood and brush the mixture evenly over the's kind of fun...just like kindergarten finger paints hahaha ; )

    i usually re-apply when i can rub my finger over the surface of the Balsa and absolutely no green or red tint remains on my finger....this tells me it's time to apply some more...

    i love it so far...very cheap, easy to make a new strop if i need to...and Larry sells the crOx and FeOx powder real cheap...also when you buy them from him...the packets are MUCH larger than the small packets of extra powder he sends along with the Balsa strop

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  4. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth Steel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boarder277 View Post
    i typically use about 1/2 tsp...which is quite a bit...but i made my own Balsa's gut 18 inches of green stropping area on one side...and 18 inches of red stropping area on the it takes a bit more to do the job than re-aplying on the standard Whipped Dog piece of Balsa...

    i usually just add a few drops of mineral oil at a time while mixing the powder with my gloved finger....i just keep adding drops until the powder is well mixed and the consistency of finger paint.....then i just use a paint brush to paint it on the typically stays in one area on the surface so i will then just add drops of mineral oil directly onto the Balsa wood and brush the mixture evenly over the's kind of fun...just like kindergarten finger paints hahaha ; )

    i usually re-apply when i can rub my finger over the surface of the Balsa and absolutely no green or red tint remains on my finger....this tells me it's time to apply some more...

    i love it so far...very cheap, easy to make a new strop if i need to...and Larry sells the crOx and FeOx powder real cheap...also when you buy them from him...the packets are MUCH larger than the small packets of extra powder he sends along with the Balsa strop
    Perfect! Thank you! I love the iron oxide it works really good and isn't too abrasive at .09/.10 microns.
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  5. #14
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    Usually when applying paste to a strop you apply then rub off with a rag till none comes off on the rag then it's ready to use. Sounds like your using way too much. Ther is a sticky on pasting strops in either the strops or stropping forum. Hth
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  6. #15
    Senior Member Boarder277's Avatar
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    that's exactly what i do...sorry about that i forgot to mention that step...

    after i apply the paste and spread in evenly...i do exactly like you said...i use a clean rag to wipe off all the extra

  7. #16
    Senior Member Siguy's Avatar
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    The discussion on CrOx, creating a convex edge has been hashed out

    Quite interesting. I learned alot. Enjoy!

  8. #17
    Senior Member kwlfca's Avatar
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    I usually start with 3 laps on chromium oxide, 20 on clean HPW, then 50 leather, then finally shave test. I use the results from the shave test to gauge how many more strokes on chromium oxide I need. I recently did this with some of my razors and after the shave test, one razor needed three laps, one needed four laps, and one needed just a single lap...just an example to show how it can vary depending on the razor and that it's not a set amount of strokes.

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