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Thread: Is this usable? Help

  1. #1
    Member backpacker93's Avatar
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    Default Is this usable? Help

    I just got this strop today, when it arrived I noticed a few minor scratches but the thing that worries me is the slight wrinkles, they are not terribly deep but I hesitate to put my new razor to it without knowing for sure. it is a horsehide strop by the way.

    Name:  IMG_0032.jpg
Views: 187
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    Sometimes I question my sanity, occasionally it replies.

  2. #2
    Senior Member JSmith1983's Avatar
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    Is that a Scalpmaster strop? Looks like the first strop I purchased when I was trying to be cheap. I still am cheap, but will spend a "few" extra dollars for something better. The canvas side was worthless. It felt like they singed the sides with a lighter to stop it from fraying. Would have ruined a razor really fast. The leather was usable though, but not the best. It had a lot of range marks. I think as long as there isn't any raised ridges you should be ok, but hopefully someone else will chime in cause I am not 100% sure.

  3. #3
    Member backpacker93's Avatar
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    Yes and no, same exact strop but different markings. My canvas has very good edges, not burnt at all. I wanted something cheap because I figured I would nick the crap out of it, kinda like I keep doing with my face I figure I will spring for a decent strop once I hone my skills (Get it?)
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  4. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Can you feel them when you strop or run your fingers over them? if the answer is yes then I wouldn't use it for stropping. Maybe as a pasted strop it would be fine.

    We always say a quality strop should be free of all imperfections and be smooth, smooth, smooth.
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