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Thread: webbed fabric on strop?

  1. #1
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    Default webbed fabric on strop?

    Hi I just bought an english bridle 3" strop that has the soft leather on one side, and rough leather - almost like rawhide on the other side.
    It also comes with this vinyl type webbed strop that is a separate piece. It is very rough and seems to me like it would dull or damage the razor.

    My question is - should I paste the webbed vinyl strop and use that first, then transition to the rawhide, then finish with the soft part? Or just stick with the rawhide side with paste on it, then finish with the soft part?

    here is a picture of the weird viny, rough strop.

  2. #2
    Incidere in dimidium Cangooner's Avatar
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    Start with the webbing, then go to the smooth side of the leather. Paste is totally optional. Some guys love it, but in the 6 or so years I've been shaving with a straight I've never used it apart from a separate CrOx-pasted fabric strop I use for touch-ups when a razor begins to dull. But that is not for every day use.

    It was in original condition, faded red, well-worn, but nice.
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  3. #3
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    ok so the rough side of the leather which is a ton smoother than the vinyl part should not be used?

    can anyone who has this type of material on their strop let me know if they are any good?
    I watched a video on youtube with this Danish guy named Thomas who said he personally removed it because he didn't like it..

    he talks about it in 5:35 in his video

    Straight razor stropping - YouTube

  • #4
    Mr. Myrsol Lakebound's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by magnus28 View Post
    ok so the rough side of the leather which is a ton smoother than the vinyl part should not be used?

    can anyone who has this type of material on their strop let me know if they are any good?
    I watched a video on youtube with this Danish guy named Thomas who said he personally removed it because he didn't like it..

    he talks about it in 5:35 in his video

    Straight razor stropping - YouTube
    The cloth webbing portion of your strop serves a purpose. Many of us use it for about 20-25 strokes prior to stropping on the leather. Also, I have coated the inside (other side) of the cloth portion of my strop with .5 micron diamond spray for freshening up the edge of my razors from time to time.

    Some use cloth, some do not. It is a YMMV issue but, it is useful and I strop my razors on it before going to leather.


  • #5
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    I got a leather/poly strop from whipped dog and this was Larry's rationale for the webbed/poly strop.

    "I believe there are two rationale for the poly/linen/cloth strops you find on vintage and new strops. First, they are used as a surface for abrasives. However, in your case you have balsa, which is even better. Second, it cleans the edge of gunk and oils prior to stropping on leather. The second reason is what I believe to be the primary value to you.

    How many passes on the poly to clean? Not that many. Maybe, 20 is fine. I would think above 50 passes on leather."

    It will make a zipping sound when stropping, but I use it every day with no problems. I haven't applied abrasives so can't speak to the efficacy of that aspect.

  • #6
    Incidere in dimidium Cangooner's Avatar
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    Here are a couple of things to check out. They should help.

    First, the (almost) famous "Stroptober" thread:

    And second a bit of a stropping primer from Lynn:

    Walterbowens likes this.

    It was in original condition, faded red, well-worn, but nice.
    This was and still is my favorite combination; beautiful, original, and worn.
    -Neil Young

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    an excellent source and wealth of knowledge.. thank you gentlemen!

  • #8
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    As to the OP, I have not looked thru the videos. nor intend to. Seems THAT would be a poor excuse for English bridle. Am I wrong? The webbed side looks like a seatbelt. Best thing you bought, IMO
    Last edited by sharptonn; 02-26-2014 at 03:28 AM.
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  • #9
    Senior Member mikew's Avatar
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    It looks like the polypropylene webbing SRD use on their strops. It's OK but I prefer linen or cotton myself.

  • #10
    Stay calm. Carry on. MisterMoo's Avatar
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    We use a lot of polyester webbing in different widths, grades and thicknesses, at my textile company. I tried lots of them and happily settled on some 2 7/8 texturized poly/nylon webbing for a backside strop. Love it. It takes/holds CrOx crayon well and works fine untreated. Inexpensive, tough and good on an edge the only downside is, the stuff is noisy for a few months - it makes a loud-ish "zzzzzzt!" noise with each stroke until it softens a bit. Course, leather does too, I guess. I keep one CrOx'ed and one plain behind my leather.
    Last edited by MisterMoo; 02-27-2014 at 07:46 PM.
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