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Thread: recommendations for a newbie

  1. #11
    Senior Member guitstik's Avatar
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    A trick that I have found useful in getting the muscle memory needed for good stropping is to put tape on a sharp blade or better yet use a dull blade and practice strop and roll on your pant leg when you have idle time. I still do this when I am driving since I usually have hours of just sitting in the cab of a big truck. I have even thought about making a paddle strop that I can strap to my leg so that I can strop raz9rs as I drive down the road.
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  2. #12
    Senior Member AndrewJM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by guitstik View Post
    A trick that I have found useful in getting the muscle memory needed for good stropping is to put tape on a sharp blade or better yet use a dull blade and practice strop and roll on your pant leg when you have idle time. I still do this when I am driving since I usually have hours of just sitting in the cab of a big truck. I have even thought about making a paddle strop that I can strap to my leg so that I can strop raz9rs as I drive down the road.
    What about wearing leather chaps while driving... even if you cut off the unused leg or buy some cheap with defective/damaged leg that you don't need.
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  3. #13
    Senior Member ultrasoundguy2003's Avatar
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    +1 to Big Daddy strops English bridle .I have a nick in mine at the same spot as all others. Its a rite of passage and a reminder to pay attention to details.Strop still works fine, so much so that I bought replacement from them. when I feel/proven to myself that I have improved then I will swap it out and be good to go. Out the door with replacements Around a $100. But that should be enough strop for a decade.$10 a year to keep up your gear...priceless

  4. #14
    Senior Member ultrasoundguy2003's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by guitstik View Post
    A trick that I have found useful in getting the muscle memory needed for good stropping is to put tape on a sharp blade or better yet use a dull blade and practice strop and roll on your pant leg when you have idle time. I still do this when I am driving since I usually have hours of just sitting in the cab of a big truck. I have even thought about making a paddle strop that I can strap to my leg so that I can strop raz9rs as I drive down the road.
    Does that fall under the heading of distracted driving? Or are we just going to call it really deep muscle memory? Your brave man.

  5. #15
    Senior Member cosperryan's Avatar
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    If the cheap route is a good suggestion, which ot is because you probably will nick it up, then maybe you could try making your own. I did it and I still use that strop. I went to tandy leather and bought a 3x50 piece of European cow hide (they don't use barbed wore as often so less nick on bumps in the leather). That will give you plenty of material for 2 long strops or 3 nice size strops. For the cloth strop you can go to any store that sells fabric and get denim, canvas, duckcloth, or so many other options with a price of maybe 5 dollars a yard. That's enough to make more strops then you'll ever need. Then you could go to a hardware store and get the necessary hardware to make it a hanging strop. All in all my project cost me maybe 60 dollars and I have three strops now. Then you could get some neets foot oil and condition the leather for a nice feel on the leather. Just a suggestion and obviously more involved then just buying a strop but it is definitely economical.

  6. #16
    Orange County N.Y. Suile's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mistaoso View Post
    hi everyone, for the past 3 months ive been shaving with a shavette and have not needed a strop. I just won a bid containing a beautiful louper cabinet, needless to say i have no idea with what type of strops i should get. i need recommendations from you guys on what is a good quality strop. i understand the saying you get what you paid for. also i read that i need to "rub it down". no idea what that means.

    Thank you.
    carefully select a good leather belt at walmart for under 20 dollars. Why cause you might just cut it up early on learning how to flip the blade.
    I went to a lot of stores looking for a nice looking leather belt and the last place I went was walmart and found a amazing belt made in India
    it has a wonder price of leather and it's not too wide for a good x stroke for a best shaving edge.

  7. #17
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    The Illinois Razor strops are good quality at a reasonable price. The 827 is a common choice. Something form SRD where replacements are available is also a good option
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  8. #18
    Senior Member guitstik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ultrasoundguy2003 View Post
    Does that fall under the heading of distracted driving? Or are we just going to call it really deep muscle memory? Your brave man.
    Are you kidding? Have you seen what most people are doing while driving? All I would be doing is strop and roll, I wouldn't even have to watch it just build on the action.

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