thebigspendur says any quality strop will basically do the same thing. I tend to agree with that, speaking of the leather component here. OTOH, having a dozen or so vintage, high quality pro barber strops, like any normal person, plus strops from SRD, Tony Miller, Neil Miller (no relation) , HandAmerican and a Kanayama 90,000 I sold, an 80,000 I kept, I think I can offer some comparison, though subjective it may be. There are differences in the aforementioned leathers, even if the end result is basically the same.

I say basically the same, because I think there may be some difference between the end result with one leather or another. Having had conversations on the telephone with Keith DeGrau (HandAmerican) I learned a bit about how Keith treats the leather that ends up in a HandAmerican strop. Since I had some horsehide, and was making my own strop, just for the heck of it, Keith gave me some tips. I would never have thought of these things in a zillion years, and don't ask because I'm sworn to secrecy. Anyway, AFAIC there are differences and if an individual has an assortment of the current high end strops mentioned above, they would have to see that if they cannot find a difference in outcome, there is certainly a difference in the various horsehide strops offered by the makers. Maybe it is my imagination, but I think there is a difference, subtle though it may be, in the end result as well. YMMV.