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Thread: Can this webbing on the strop be used to refresh a razor?

  1. #1
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    Default Can this webbing on the strop be used to refresh a razor?

    It is the black webbing on the backside of the leather, the lighter grey feels like very rough leather which I don't think I would use. I have been looking at videos on how to refresh and I have seen what appears to be the webbing that I have taken a picture of.

    I have been thinking of ordering either the chromium oxide crayons or diamond spray, what should I go with?

    Appreciate your help... Robert

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    Nylon webbing is a great carrier for chromium oxide. The grade of chromium oxide you use makes all the difference in the world.

    To make it more clear, don't buy the stuff from tool stores. The stuff from the razor shops is the stuff to get.
    Last edited by RezDog; 10-20-2014 at 01:11 AM.
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  4. #3
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    Thanks Shaun,

    That clears things up for me. What about the diamond spray that is sold at the SRD store? Would it be enough just to use the chromium oxide or should I use both?


  5. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    You need a separate strop for each product because once it is on there it is unlikely you will ever get it clean enough to do anything else with it. CrOx is low tech and has been in use forever. I have several strops, one with CrOx and one with cerium, I usually don't use either because I am constantly testing hones because of my rockhounding. There was a window when I used it as a refresh and believe it is the best answer, of course that is merely my opinion.
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  7. #5
    Senior Member ocelot27's Avatar
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    Diamond is faster and can do more damage quickly in untrained hands... and trained hands for that matter - I don't use pastes anymore but I have used them all - mostly on balsa as I'm a bit of freak when it comes to the condition of my bevels. Some say CrO leaves a "smoother" edge - I could never tell the difference. I wound up preferring the 0.25 micron diamond spray when I was experimenting - that equates to about 60,000 grit depending on which chart you reference. I think the "toothy" edge of a natural finisher gives the best shave right off the rock and after a thorough stropping. If your looking to prolong intervals between honing you can do so indefinitely (as proven here) with CrO or another abrasive on a strop. Bottom line: CrO is probably the most popular but diamond has it's fans too.

    I've found that more passes on the linen seems to keep an edge longer... followed by a lot on leather. Stropping is sharpening at the finest level IMO - I've been shaving with the same razor (as a test) for 2 mos now and it hasn't dulled a bit... still hone almost every day though - I love honing... but that's another subforum... Before you delve into abrasives on strops try stropping the bejesus out of your razor - keep testing the sharpness until you get where you need to be.

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  9. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    As from the above posts yes no problem pasting the strop just do the inside as in lynns vid so that you have a unpasted strop for routine stropping. You can use leather, webbing, felt, balsa, craft foam, denim, canvas, sail cloth, pellen and others I'm sure snd all work just make sure you keep your pastes and grits seperate.
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  11. #7
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    Thanks for the helpful information fellas. After reading various posts and watching a ton of vids I noted that I was using too heavy a hand when stropping, now that I have lightened up the razor shaves a lot better. I have sent 3 razors in to SRD for honing and will order some CrOx and I should be all set.

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  12. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    I have found one of the things that helps keep my stropping light is not to pull the strop too hard. In my life there is a direct connection with how hard I push on the razor and how taught the strop is. I need only very light pressure on the razor so only enough tension to keep the strop flat.

    Quote Originally Posted by maxam View Post
    Thanks for the helpful information fellas. After reading various posts and watching a ton of vids I noted that I was using too heavy a hand when stropping, now that I have lightened up the razor shaves a lot better. I have sent 3 razors in to SRD for honing and will order some CrOx and I should be all set.

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  13. #9
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    you can ask 900 people and get 901 answers, fact is do not paste your only linen strop, if you use it daily, each time you wear the razor. I don't use any paste at all I use hones and strops a good stone to me is far superior to any paste I have ever seen.
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  14. #10
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    You are absolutely right, to each his own. It's a matter of trying true and tested techniques that have been around for years and figuring out what works best for you.


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