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Thread: Red Imp 700 vs 700C - Difference?

  1. #1
    Senior Member DireStraights's Avatar
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    Default Red Imp 700 vs 700C - Difference?

    I got an awesome Red Imp 700 strop the other week in AMAZING condition. Now that I have been looking more in to them I see there is a "700C" model.

    Does anyone know what the difference between the 700 and 700C are? I am tempted to watch for a 700C now. Unless they are basically the same...

    The 700 is the nicest strop I have ever seen or used, one of the reasons i'd like to know about the 700C.

    The strop is so supple you can still stretch it! All it needed was some palm rubbing. Beats my Emil Paidar and Scotch Lassie shell strops by miles.

    (Please note I don't strop with it 7ft in the air, that was just for the picture)
    Last edited by DireStraights; 02-18-2015 at 08:44 PM.
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  2. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I have the same exact strop as you. It's Horsehide. Don't ever part with that strop. It's among the top strops ever made vintage or now. You don't see many that thick. I have a Dubl Duck that is similar.

    I have no idea what the "C" model is.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member Airportcopper's Avatar
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    I also have that strop a great strop not in great shape like u have there but it gets the job done if I get a chance I'll post pics

  4. #4
    Senior Member DireStraights's Avatar
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    I love it. It feels amazing under the blade. I could just keep stropping for hours. The linen is really thick and a nice weave, much different than the waxed & hose linen my other vintage strops.

    I was pretty excited when I recieved it and it didn't have a single mark from stroping only some scuffs and a small discoloration from storage which were removed easily.

    I basically stole the thing, I think it was like $46. I'd never sell it though as it's made stropping near my favorite part of honing and shaving. I would like to find a 700c just to compare and see if there is a noticable difference.
    Last edited by DireStraights; 02-19-2015 at 12:44 AM.

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