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Thread: Leather Questions

  1. #11
    Senior Member Drygulch's Avatar
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    Most leather distributors sell by the piece, but charge by the square foot. So you would have to buy a side of leather (about 25 square feet) to get a piece. Springfield leather is the only one I can think of that will cut leather.

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    MikeT (10-16-2015)

  3. #12
    Senior Member MikeT's Avatar
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    Okay thanks Ill check them out... I dont want to have to buy a huge load, really enough to make one or two strops will do it for me until the next project and also when I figure out what I prefer.
    Doubt Ill ever go into business making them.. The only other option would be to go in on an order with other members.
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    – Yoda

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