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Thread: Using paste or sprays on fabric

  1. #1
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    Default Using paste or sprays on fabric

    Have been in the background here for quite a while but have never posted. So Greetings. Several days ago I was researching Mastro Livi Razors with the thought of ordering one from SRD. I came across his videos and in "Series 8" he states that using the linen component of a strop without a paste will damage a razors edge making it "jagged". I have researched this exhaustively and can't find another comment or reputable source confirming this. I have found many references to the stiff feel of linen and other second strop components. I also found many instructions on washing and beating the linen with wine bottles to soften it. So my question would be ... will plain fabric or linen damage an edge?

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    A lot depend on the linen, (Old or New, hard or soft) and how much pressure and number of laps.

    I like old linens, washed well and softened, Polyester canvas sail cloth for paste, and paper fabric for sprays.

    It is easy to damage any edge on a strop, with too much pressure. I use linen to clean a blade prior to stropping on leather or paste, just 5-10 laps, when honing, between stones and with paste.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Razorfaust's Avatar
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    I have personally never found this to be true. I use a very stiff cotton duck linen same one from SRD premium fabric strop. i have used it exaustively for the past few years and never noticed edge damage of any kind. I have also seen many folks use linen fire hose also without complaints. if your stropping is good I don't believe you can hurt steel with some fabric fibers. I in fact prefer a stiffer substrate especially using pastes I haven't gotten good performance from softer materials like felt and the like. But that's me. i'm sure a bunch of other people will think i'm nuts and will think the opposite but that's why forums are fun.

    Good Luck
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    Thanks for the replies. Mastro Livi and his products seem to be held in high regard by a lot of people on this forum. And I suppose there is a good reason for this as all of his works look of high quality. I gained more knowledge after watching his 8 video series. I was just a bit disturbed with how emphatic he was on damaging an edge on plain linen. I have researched and purchased many strops from Neil and Tony Miller, to SRD. None of these suppliers make any claims one way or the other about their second material. It just seems to "be there". Thank you again for your thoughts

  5. #5
    Senior Member Razorfaust's Avatar
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    I chalk up a lot of belief systems to "Its just business"
    i let my own experiences dictate in the end. Everyone has a problem from time to time the solutions are many.
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  6. #6
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    You are quite right.

  7. #7
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    True Linen has always been the go to fabric strop going back a very long time and is what barbers used all the time.

    Sometimes Livi comes out with some off the wall stuff.
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  8. #8
    Senior Member Razorfaust's Avatar
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    Livi is also a fan of palm stropping, troweling on chromium oxide onto his strops an 1/8 of an in thick and slapping his razors on the hone like he was buttering bread. And it works! So does your way and my way work. Just to keep things in perpective.
    Don't drink and shave!

  9. #9
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    Livi is also a fan of palm stropping, troweling on chromium oxide onto his strops an 1/8 of an in thick and slapping his razors on the hone like he was buttering bread. And it works! So does your way and my way work. Just to keep things in perpective.
    Ha ha ha ha aha exactly big comedy
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  10. #10
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    I own 3 of his razors with another on the way. When you get one of his razors the edge is amazing. Sharp and smooth. I have watched him lap on his paddle strop and his technique is unique. I ordered one of his paddles but live in fear about putting a gash in it. His stroke on the paddle is short and and very diagonal. His choice of 3 stones are really interesting. I use his palm stropping and I have to admit it does work. To each there own.

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