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Thread: i have no idea what to do with this strop!

  1. #1
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    Unhappy i have no idea what to do with this strop!

    I bought a beautiful, new Dovo strop that is wood on one side and leather of the other. unfortunately the sales man was less than helpful. i have not seen anyone talking about this kind of stop here and don't know how to get started using it..I have not put any paste on it and have honed razors ready to use but can't until i know what i'm doing with this thing


  2. #2
    Senior Member MattCB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RazorClamQuincy View Post
    I bought a beautiful, new Dovo strop that is wood on one side and leather of the other. unfortunately the sales man was less than helpful. i have not seen anyone talking about this kind of stop here and don't know how to get started using it..I have not put any paste on it and have honed razors ready to use but can't until i know what i'm doing with this thing

    Sounds like you have paddle strop.
    The older I get the more I realize how little I actually know.

  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    A picture would help.

    If it's a paddle you use it like any other strop.

    If it's one sides I wouldn't put any paste on it unless you want it dedicated as a pasted strop.

    Often times those paddles are sold as travel strops.
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    Name:  IMG_5324.jpg
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    i have watched the videos and read a lot about the leather strop. but have not seen anything on the wooden strop.. as it is two sided would you recommend using paste on one side and not won the other?

  5. #5
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Ummmmm...I'm looking at the photo on my phone but I think the non-leather side is missing something. I think either slate or leather is supposed to be on top of those ridges.
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  6. #6
    Senior Member dinnermint's Avatar
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    @Utopian, I thought the same thing, but..

    Stolen description from the "Superior Shave"

    "12.75 x 1.6" overall, with a ~1.5 x 7.75" stropping area, this strop - manufactured for Dovo as a custom item by Kohl & Laibach ("Herold", etc.), has a hollow core for a springy feel to the Russian leather surface, which has a felt pad underneath it to further accentuate the elasticity and friction. The second image at left shows the underside of the strop, which consists of a grooved piece of balsa wood that's been covered in Dovo's red paste. The fine paste of 2-4 microns particle size easily restores the sharpness to a razor which has become just a tad bit dull; it isn't for restoring a quite dull razor, you'd need the Dovo green paste for that."

    I have not seen "grooved balsa" for pastes before...
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    Quote Originally Posted by RazorClamQuincy View Post
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    i have watched the videos and read a lot about the leather strop. but have not seen anything on the wooden strop.. as it is two sided would you recommend using paste on one side and not won the other?
    It depends! If you want one side for touching up your razor, which has started tugging or pulling, then yes. Be sure to clean your razor after doing this to not contaminate the other side. Do your due diligence on what paste you decide to use.

    Hard to see but is the second side leather? Doesn't look like it with the stripes? Don't put anything on that first side.


  9. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    Razor stropping - Straight Razor Place Library
    this has what you need to know.
    It's not what you know, it's who you take fishing!

  10. #9
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Cool! I have had great luck with balsa and Dovo pastes for touching up.

    Do a couple of laps on the paste, then have at the leather --> make sure you clean your blade well before transitioning from the paste to the leather.

    If you don't have any Dovo Red paiste but want to "liven it up a bit" - moisten your finger and rub it around. It'll work for a short while until you get the paste.
    Steel likes this.

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