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Thread: opinions on strop purchase

  1. #11
    Senior Member Mrchick's Avatar
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    The differences are explained in this thread. Good luck!
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    waldbrent (06-14-2016)

  3. #12
    Member waldbrent's Avatar
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    The strop came in today, here are some detailed photos of it,

    the leather seems pretty flexible for new leather, hard but flexible. the linen is pretty stiff though.

    i tried the palm rub technique i read about in several of the forum posts, and it really seemed to lift up the hairs on the leather, as its a very rough pressed leather, is that normal? what are your thoughts?

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  4. #13
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Well my 827 is on loan to my best friend in CA so I can't take pictures but the leather side looks 'wrong' to me. I scrounged around and found this pic from Sharpening Supplies website and it shows what looks how my leather looks and that's with very small indentations (Horizontal Ridges) from the pressing of the large indentations on the back.

    Name:  827 Leather.jpg
Views: 140
Size:  18.3 KB

    In my very humble opinion if your hand rubbing is raising the leather then I'd be thinking about sending it back as defective and try another source.
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  5. #14
    Member waldbrent's Avatar
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    i see now what you mean by ridges, does the pre rubbing picture look like the texture it should have?

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  6. #15
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by waldbrent View Post
    i see now what you mean by ridges, does the pre rubbing picture look like the texture it should have?
    From what I can see from your picture I'd say NO. It looks completely different than mine. While mine has the minor ridges the leather is smooth and doesn't rise up. Again in my humble opinion I'd return the strop.
    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

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  7. #16
    I love Burls....... and Acrylic HARRYWALLY's Avatar
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    I had an 827, didn't like it at all because it has that rougher nap to it. IMO, from what I can see, it's exactly as it should be. The 827 is an entirely different breed of strop. Some really like it and some, like myself, don't. There's a bunch of old threads that talk about this strop and its heavy nap. IIRC, Glen is a 827 fan.

    Here's a good link for the 827.
    Last edited by HARRYWALLY; 06-17-2016 at 12:24 AM.
    Burls, Girls, and all things that Swirl....

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  9. #17
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brent375HH View Post
    I think it is possible they somehow made it with the wrong side out. The inside (ribbed) side looks like the outer skin.
    Uhhh yea they are made inside out as was pointed out at this thread that was posted early in this thread:

    Please check out post #3 in that thread:
    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

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  10. The Following User Says Thank You to cudarunner For This Useful Post:

    waldbrent (06-17-2016)

  11. #18
    Member waldbrent's Avatar
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    wel i took some really fine sandpaper and sanded if off some, then rubbed a leather conditioner on it and polished it over with a smooth cup, this is what it looks like nowhard to capture the smoothness, since the grains that had been sanded are lighter brownstill has quite the nap to it though, i will let you know how it works out in the end

    yes i had realised that its a flesh side strop, just didnt think the hairs should pull up like that

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  12. #19
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    I deleted my comment. I did not think strops were ever designed with the rough side of the leather as the intended usage side. Thanks for pointing that out, I guess this is an exception.

  13. #20
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brent375HH View Post
    I deleted my comment. I did not think strops were ever designed with the rough side of the leather as the intended usage side. Thanks for pointing that out, I guess this is an exception.
    There was no need to delete your comment! Without questions and comments there is no learning! If there isn't any learning there isn't any gain of knowledge.

    To the best of my knowledge the Illinois 827 is the only strop made that way.

    If I'm mistaken I do hope someone will make me more knowledgeable. That way I can pass knowledge forward to others to share.
    HARRYWALLY and waldbrent like this.
    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

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