The cheapest one is from Fendrihans it's 89$ free shipping I just purchased it as my 2nd Kanayama to see if it has an differences or defects because it's an oddball number they have another oddball number for 135$ they are the 2196 an the 6300 an all the other kanayamas besides the #3 are in the 10000s.

My 30k that I bought has a single defect an that is sanding marks that you can feel in the leather now I didn't notice them right away an it's level with the Kanayama logo at the bottom I don't strop there anyway so for that reason it doesn't bother me. It's still one of the best strops I own an I do own a few I would recommend them still to anyone an everyone just like I have done because they're that well built an they feel incredible the stropping on one is silky smooth with almost no draw an at the same time the perfect amount if that makes sense.