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Thread: Strop Falling Apart?

  1. #1
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    Default Strop Falling Apart?

    Hey Everyone,
    I freaked when I found these black flakes on my razor after stropping it last weekend. The strop has been hanging for about three months without getting much use, and I am now into a twice-a-week routine. The flakes wipe off pretty easily, but I have no idea what they are. It's almost like graphite or coffee grounds. Any thoughts?Name:  Strop Flakes on Razor.jpg
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  2. #2
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    Is your strop dried out? Can you upload some close in focus pictures with good light here?

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to Aerdvaark For This Useful Post:

    Kyriaco (05-15-2017)

  4. #3
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    Great idea - I'll take the strop to the office and take a picture to post tomorrow.

  5. #4
    Senior Member xiaotuzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyriaco View Post
    Great idea - I'll take the strop to the office and take a picture to post tomorrow.
    I'm just happy to be associated with people who take strops to the office! That's awesome. Most of the people I know, if I say "strop" to them, they think I mispronounced "strap". Anyway, no idea what is causing the loose particles but I hope you get it resolved. Best of luck.
    "Go easy"

  6. #5
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Obviously it's material on the strop being transferred to the razor. It could be dirt it could be excess oil or conditioner. Some strops when new will kind of release material from the tanning process but that strops after a short period of use.

    Just make sure it's not a dirt moisture combination and that crude on the razor easily comes off and it's not rust.
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  8. #6
    Previously lost, now "Pasturized" kaptain_zero's Avatar
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    Brand and color of the strop would be helpful.

    Strops that have been dyed after tanning could cause this, I have one where you can see flakes coming off the surface (Harold strop)....The strop started to cup, so I don't use it anymore.

    If you see long scratch marks in the surface of the strop, check both edge and spine of the razor carefully for nicks.... I had a razor that was damaged once, and it scratched the leather surface and tiny flakes were seen on the razor after stropping. A careful examination of the razor discovered a tiny burr that was causing the scratching. Once removed, no more spots on the blade and no more scratches on the strop.


    Christian aka

    Kaptain "Sherlock" Zero
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    Kyriaco (05-15-2017)

  10. #7
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    Thanks, Everyone,
    You all called it - it's a Star Strop from Star Shaving, but I had it in a place where I really couldn't see the surface especially well. I got a new Hart razor and it must have abraded the surface at some point, and I never noticed. Now, I'll need to figure out how to fix that. As long as I clean the blades, the razors seem to be fine, although I am a little worried about eating my way through the strop. The light still isn't that great, so I'll add a photo tomorrow.

    I appreciate all your words of wisdom!
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  11. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    just palm rub that strop to death and smooth it out,, a few scratches wont hurt it, but you may need to look hard and long at your stropping technique,, maybe your getting alittle rough with your strokes Tc
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  12. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth markbignosekelly's Avatar
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    I Googled star shaving strops, not great reviews Im afraid.
    If you bend the strop does it crease and cause more flaking?
    Aerdvaark likes this.

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