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Thread: Rolling the edge while stropping

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Rolling the edge while stropping

    Hi all

    I am trying to flip the edge to continue the next stroke but catching the edge
    I don't have any hones so this is the only form of keeping the razor maintained.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    slow down! you need to be moving back the other way when you get that edge back down on the leather, so without knowing your experience I still say it is you trying to go to fast,, its not how fast you strop only how well you strop. do a video of yourself and lets see what your doing Tc
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  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    It sounds like you are flipping the wrong way. Make sure it is rolling on the spine not the edge. If you are catching the edge you could also be stopping, backing up a fraction and then flipping. As you get near the end of your stroke lift the edge up and the stop, roll on the spine and then start to move and put the edge back on the strop. There is a really good video here
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  4. #4
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    I am starting with spine first but the flip over is catching me out.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Wayne1963's Avatar
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    This is what worked for me.

    Call the stroke moving away from you Stroke 1

    Call the stroke moving toward you Stroke 2

    I begin the flip as Stroke 1 is almost complete

    I begin Stroke 2 just before the flip is almost complete

    The spine is in constant contact while stropping

    This should stop the flip from "catching you out". Stropping done like this ensures that the edge is always moving away from the strop. Of course, you can still roll the edge by using too much pressure.
    Last edited by Wayne1963; 06-08-2017 at 09:57 AM.
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  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Watch the video Res linked for you in post 3.

    Notice that the hand does not move much, Notice, how he is holding the tang in the fingers, (a bit hard to see) try stopping the video.

    He is holding the tang by the corners, not the flats. One corner should be in the pad of the thumb, the opposite corner is in the pad of the index finger.

    The razor is flipped, using the thumb like flipping a switch. This takes the hand and wrist out of play and keeps them stationary.

    If you use the hand and wrist to flip, you will use too much pressure and slam the edge into the strop. This can roll your edge and cut the strop.

    As said stop, then flip or make contact with the edge once the razor has started to move in the direction of the spine, to ensure you are not backing into the strop.

    If you are cutting the strop, check your edge you may have damaged it.

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