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Thread: Red Imp journey!

  1. #1
    Senior Member Toroblanco's Avatar
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    Default Red Imp journey!

    When I first decided to get into straight razor shaving I looked for the best info I could find. First was finding a reliable source and since I sharpen my own knives for the last ten years or so, that made it a little easier. I ran into SRP many times for info for naniwa stones(my first set) and also for Arkanas stones. So I decided to join in september and very glad I did. A wealth of information by some very knoledgeable people willing to share. I heard more than once to not strop until you learn your stone, so I took that to hart. By new years I had added three Thuris(a small one and two large one's) and two months arfter that a Hatanaka Nakayama kiita. Each one better than the last, luck yeah maybe a little but I think it is because I got exellent info to begin with. So by march I was ready for the strop and since I was told to buy a cheap one since everybody cuts the first one, I opted for a inexpensive vintage one. In researching for vintage strops a couple of brands kept popping up and in time I was able to find a few but not the one's I really wanted. I gave up looking for it and settled on buying a Kanayama 70000 or 80000 after loosing a couple of times on ebay. Especially after hearing Mr. Kanoyama is in his 90's. This past friday it finally happened, I was searching for a Red Imp straight razor and there it was a Red Imp strop in very good condition at a great price with a buy it now option. I clicked that button so fast you could not believe. I just got it and could not be happier. Smooth like silk with a buttery draw. I will still buy the Kanayama but will put it off for a couple months as I just got a huge Nakayama too(not cheap). Here is a couple of pics alone and with the rest of the gang.

    P.S. This is for anybody that has them or has tried them. Do you think that the 80000 is worth the money over the 70000.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member Jnatcat's Avatar
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    I have had a few 80's and several 70"s and the cost difference to me is not worth it since the leathers are pretty identical and the only thing you're getting is a plastic zippered bag that will just end up in a drawer or closet.
    Toroblanco likes this.
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    Toroblanco (06-23-2017)

  4. #3
    Senior Member Toroblanco's Avatar
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    Thank you, I have heard it a couple of times and has me leaning to the 70000. Really appreciate your imput here.
    Thanks again,

  5. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    You will never get a functionally better strop than the Red Imp. They were top of the line in their day and will give anything today a run for their money.

    What you should be asking are the differences not only between the 70K and 80K but the 90K too.
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  6. #5
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Hard to beat a good vintage strop!

  7. #6
    Senior Member Toroblanco's Avatar
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    A little update, I asked my mom to make me a strop sock. I told her the dim's and that I wanted it breathable but dust proof. With a little back and forth brainstorming she came up with this, needless to say I was very happy. German cotton on the inside(very,very fine weave for european 850+ down) and a fine polyester but breathable shell. I told her to make me four more. Three for me and one for a very cool member here that has helped me a great deal. Hope you guys like it, I really do.
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    Thanks again,

    P.S. You are right I should have asked about the 90000. What do you think is the 90000 worth the extra cash. I would love to have your thoughts. I see you are very knowlegeable!

  8. #7
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Toroblanco View Post
    I heard more than once to not strop until you learn your stone, so I took that to hart.
    I think that you got that backwards. You should not hone until you learn your strop.

    Regarding the Kanayama strops, don't rule out the Kanayama 3. It is much cheaper and has the same quality of surface on the leather.
    sharptonn likes this.

  9. #8
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Yes, I have the 3 and the 90K and quality wise they are identical.

    I think the 90K is a tad longer otherwise it is identical to the 80K in every way.

    Worth the extra cash? That's up to you to decide. I thought it was but then again I bought the Raven Strop.
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  10. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I had a 90 and sold it because it was too nice to use. It is identical to the 80 except longer by a couple of inches. I've had an 80 for quite some time now, and it is also too nice to use. As TBS said, that Red Imp is as good, or better, than anything on the market. Save your money.
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  11. #10
    Senior Member Toroblanco's Avatar
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    A little update, now the whole family is protected. Lol, and she made one a little oversized so I can take two to all four out for travel if I have to but will probably only take my two favorites.Name:  20170628_113527.jpg
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    Actually Utopian I said it correctly, to properly learn what your stone can do you do not strop. As it can give you false possitives. Good or bad depends on your stopping technique, so in order to avoid this no stroppping and compare what your stone can do by itself. Thank you on the Kanayama sugestion though, I know you are a well regarded member and appreciate your imput.

    Thank You,

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