re: new materials, I generally hone a razor once every 200 shaves or so. 3 months is not out of the ordinary for any good linen - it's only partially into the honing cycle, but the strop that I use is a vintage silk-finish linen and then a piece of horse butt strip of my own make (make is loosely used, all I did was find a good piece, cut it with a marking knife and break it in and it has outperformed everything else that I've bought in the long term - and I have made a strop out of a no 2 horween shell (I still have it) and bought kanayama's finest - it's the break in period that would be offputting to people for the butt strip).

In terms of strops, little is out there that betters the treated vintage linens. We have seen scads of attempts at various linens, and the ones I've used often are far less good than a vintage silk finish labeled strop (of any make). NOS versions of what I'm mentioning often go for about $25 on ebay, and are a lifetime linen that is proven not to dull a razor. Usually when you hone just to "check in" around 200 hones, the edge takes a step back for a short period of time until it's hit the linen a couple of times again. It would be nothing to get a full year of daily shaves out of a single edge without re-honing.

I haven't seen any listings for what's being discussed, but we have to measure it against things that were proven before the resurgence, and the vintage treated linens are something that I have not seen duplicated or matched.