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Thread: firehose strops Filler?

  1. #11
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    After some time drying and stretching. Much flatter. I think this will be nice in the end. I also ran the edge of a steal ruler back and forth on it so soften up a bit. They are very flexible.
    But I was thinking that when mounting these, I wont be able to lock down both ends. As in sewing the bottom handle end as to keep them flat the material inside would need to move just a bit. Was thinking of putting a piece of leather on the bottom to lock it together with some strop bolts (cant remember what they are called but I got some) and oblonging the holes in the material inside. Plus not bolt it tight. Just some ideas I'm kicking around. If you understand what I'm trying to say here and have an idea, please reply. This has been an easy project and I think its coming along well. Just remember that the reason for doing this is just to make me feel better about the fire-hose. As its been said, its not really needed. Just for looks I guess.

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    It's just Sharpening, right?

  2. #12
    Matt MW76's Avatar
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    Needed or not, im a little jealous.

    They look great!!
    gabrielcr78 likes this.

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to MW76 For This Useful Post:

    Gasman (01-02-2018)

  4. #13
    Senior Member gabrielcr78's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gasman View Post
    If you understand what I'm trying to say here and have an idea, please reply.
    I think i understand, and have a suggestion. Maybe you can put the chicago screws in the top normally trough the screw and the internal material (did you end up using cotton ads mentioned in your first post?), so that the upper side is all very nice a tight, but for the bottom just cut the cotton shorter (about 1" shorter than the place where you will punch the firehose holes, if you will use leather termination and chicago screws in the bottom) so instead of making oblong holes you just don't make any holes... and let move(readjust) freely inside?

    Another option is not to use terminations or screws in the bottom and go with he good old barber's end. Just use some crazy glue (cyanoacrylate) in the fire hose ends to prevent the threading to loose, and let the internal component short enough distance to internally adjust)

    EDIT: ***just to clarify, the idea is not to glue the back of the bottom edge to the front, like closing the bottom of the hose, but leave it open and just glue the perimeter of the bottom end of the hose, you know, just like instead of sewing the ends just gluing it... ***

    In any case, i recommend to use cyanoacrylate to fix the ends of the firehose and also the holes you punch for the screws. this is necessary to add durability by preventing the un-threading (or unraveling?) of the hose.

    hope the ideas help
    Last edited by gabrielcr78; 01-02-2018 at 05:26 PM.
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    honing my mind...

  5. #14
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Sounds good Gabe. Basicly leave the material inside loose and short by a little at the bottom. And i had planned on a piece of leather across the bottom so only glue the outside of the firehose to the leather leaving room to flex and slide a bit.

    Thanks for the idea. Nice option. Atatching at the top will be the chicago screws so a bit of CA to keep from unraveling is a good idea. I wasnt sure but thought about some big rivots with holes thru them but easier is always better.
    gabrielcr78 likes this.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

  6. #15
    Senior Member Wightman's Avatar
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    Never knew of the firehouse for linen stop idea. Thanks guys and will have to be on the look out for some. Thanks for the idea and info gents.
    gabrielcr78 likes this.

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