Quote Originally Posted by Euclid440 View Post
None of those strops appear to have been made from smooth strop quality leather, but are textured and finished leathers more for belts, purses and craft projects..

These are ok for a first strop where the possibility of cutting and nicking it are high, even then Tony Miller has a much better-quality beginner strops in the same price range.

Sharpton has some very nice pristine vintage strops, in the BST, they are a bit more, but are quality, lifetime strops. Vintage strops can be a great buy capable of producing fine edges.

There is also eBay and if you are willing to do a bit of judicious buying and perhaps a bit of clean up, you can get a good vintage strop that will last another lifetime.

Personally, I would pass on these. If you feel you are past the strop nicking stage, invest in a quality strop, new or vintage, then as your stropping continues to improve you can make a real difference in your edges.

Stropping is the final finish you will put on an edge before you shave, it is not the place to scrimp once you have technique down.
You make an excellent point.

I will give those eBays one a miss and look elsewhere. I know Tony Miller makes really fine strops and if I lived in the States I would certainly get one.

The reason I can't get a Tony Miller is basically the exchange rate and the $30ish for shipping.

I will check out some of the Canadian Stores.