As said before, if your technique is working for you, then there isn't any need to change it. It depends on the strop in question, but some vintage pieces were sold with backside being used to "sharpen" and the front side used to "finish." Sounds like you are using your strop in this way. If this working, and you wanted to make a mild change, you might try just stropping on the front side for a spell, and once the edge starts falling off, to "refresh" things on the backside before returning to the front side. In this way, maybe 40-60 laps on the front side for day-to-day shaving, followed by an occasional 15-20 laps on the backside when the edge starts to fall off, followed by 40-60 laps on the front side, and if this brings things back, a return to the day-to-day routine as before.