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Thread: Conditioning Kanoyama Canvas: Iwasaki

  1. #1
    Senior Member Steve56's Avatar
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    Default Conditioning Kanoyama Canvas: Iwasaki


    I have 2 new Kanoyama canvas just laying around and there’s always considerable discussion about how to condition one and how good it is or isn’t. But I’ve never seen anyone post about using Iwasaki’s recommended steps for linen/fabric So lets get started.

    The first image is the new, unconditioned strop. As you can see, it’s hard and stiff. The second image is one that I’ve washed in a washing machine and have been using for years. Both are dry. The used one is the one that’s my daily driver and has been used to maintain the Filly 14 Sub Cero with 110 shaves on it as of yesterday morning. Ideally, Iwasaki’s steps should turn the new strop into one that’s as soft and limber as my old beater.

    Here are Iwasaki’s steps for conditioning linen/fabric.

    9. Linen maintenance/Preparation

    1. Wash with a stiff, soapy brush

    2. Remove the excess water and lay out, damp, on a table. Take a wooden mallet and tap evenly along the length of the strop using the curved side of the mallet, making sure to smooth out any creases or bends.

    3. Wash with a stiff brush.

    4. Rub firmly with round cosmetic soap.

    5. Rub with a pumice stone to remove any fabric balls or loose threads.

    6. Wash with a stiff brush.

    7. Rub firmly with round cosmetic soap, again.

    8. Smooth the surface with a nagura stone.

    9. Rinse.

    10. Let dry for two to 3 days.

    11. Apply soapy lather with a brush [Shaving brush - JDR]

    12. Roll firmly with a beer bottle.

    Repeat 11 and 12 above three times.
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    Last edited by Steve56; 05-29-2020 at 09:05 PM.
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    Here are my materials.

    Top, a stiff brush.
    Middle, left to right, a bar of L’Occitane milk soap, a good facial soap and A hard milled soap. Next a pumice stone, and a nagura.
    Bottom, an aluminum mallet with a curved face (I don’t have a wooden one).

    The soap used for washing was Martin de Candre Marseilles soap. Marseilles soap is recommended for fine fabrics/woolens and is a mild soap.
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    Last edited by Steve56; 05-29-2020 at 09:03 PM.
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    Senior Member Steve56's Avatar
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    I have completed the first nine steps, and the strop is drying.

    The mallet step seems useful. The Kanoyama has an edge on it that’s raised a bit, and it’s a bit larger on one side than the other. The mallet tapping seemed to flatten that edge out. I also kneaded and sharply rolled the canvas while washing it, and stretched it a bit With my hands after washing.
    Last edited by Steve56; 05-29-2020 at 08:50 PM.
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    Nice tutorial. I never bothered with mine. I have a few vintage linen as well as my go to a flax linen from Torolf at Scrupleworks. Me and a few others bought 4 to save on the shipping some years back.

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    Thanks Bill, it’s an interesting project for staying at home, especially since I have all the materials, or very close to it.

    I need to go get some beer so that I’ll have beer bottles....
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    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Thanks for doing this Steve. It will be not ce to now how it turns ut.
    Steve56 likes this.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

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    Thank you Jerry!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve56 View Post
    Thanks Bill, it’s an interesting project for staying at home, especially since I have all the materials, or very close to it.

    I need to go get some beer so that I’ll have beer bottles....
    I've been told that empty whiskey bottles work just as
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bill31521 View Post
    I've been told that empty whiskey bottles work just as
    "Repeat 11 and 12 above three times."

    As you would repeat 3 times the bottle would get gradually lighter as you went and gradually work it in.

    Sounds like a plan.

    If anyone tries this let us know how it works!
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  12. #10
    Senior Member Steve56's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 32t View Post
    "Repeat 11 and 12 above three times."

    As you would repeat 3 times the bottle would get gradually lighter as you went and gradually work it in.

    Sounds like a plan.

    If anyone tries this let us know how it works!

    I think that I would want to refill it so that the change in mass wouldn’t be a factor, lol.
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