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Thread: space-saving ways to hang a strop?

  1. #1
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    Default space-saving ways to hang a strop?

    We just moved into a brand new condo, and I'm super happy with it. I think we will stay here for a long time, for several reasons. However, it's not a large place, and we're currently in the process of figuring out how to optimize every square inch of space we have. I also have 3 kids (2 toddlers and one newborn), which complicates things. So I need some ideas on where and how to hang a strop while shaving where it will be accessible but not in the way, and away from sticky little hands.

    In my previous apartments, I simply fastened a ring to the bathroom doorknob. But in my new place the bathroom has a sliding door and no knob, so that option is out of the question. Except for beside the sink (obviously not ideal!), there's not really a good place to install a hook in the wall.

    So far the best idea I can come up with is to put a hook somewhere in the bedroom. It will be annoying to have to go there to strop all the time, especially while honing, but it could work. At the moment I'm just using my paddle strop, which gets the job done, but I'm really missing my collection of vintage strops!

    Any ideas or suggestions would be welcome. Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    cau is offline
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    Does it need to out 24/7? I hang mine at the back of the closet. It comes out to it's use hook in the bathroom on shave mornings and bimonthly touchups.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    In your position... I'd keep them hidden in a closet , and bring them out when needed.

    I hone in a separate room, but always strop in the bathroom/shave den.

    Kids are all gone, now. So I keep them all in the shave den, being I don't have a moisture problem, and more than adequate ventilation
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    When not in use, they hang in my closet. It's where to hang it when in use that's the issue....

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    At work I have a ring made from cord on the towel bar. When I strop, I clip it on the ring. When I put it away it is hanging in my closet.
    Last edited by RezDog; 08-07-2020 at 02:46 AM.
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  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    They hang on books behind bathroom door.

  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joelkerr View Post
    When not in use, they hang in my closet. It's where to hang it when in use that's the issue....
    I see. I mounted a ring, on the wall next to the sink. It goes back to its stored area, when I'm done.
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  8. #8
    STF is offline
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    I just have one hanging strop.

    I keep two board strops in the bedroom and the hanging one in the bathroom on the towel rail, never considered moisture but it seems ok there.

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    Another complication: We decided to get rid of our only towel rack in order to install more shelving. We definitely need storage space more than we need a towel rack! Once the shelving is installed, I'll see if they're sturdy enough for a strop, hopefully it will work out.

  10. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    An 18-inch piece of paracord or nylon braded cord will make a 6-inch loop with a figure 8 on a bright knot. Clipped to the strop and looped over a doorknob to the back side of the bathroom door will keep it out of sight.

    The 6-inch loop allows enough flexibility to easily use both sides without fighting the swivel and will put the strop flat at waist height. Just open the door to strop. I keep 2 or 3 strops on the back side of the door hanging from the knob.

    The loop is also a great solution for traveling, hang from the bathroom door.
    jfk742 and joelkerr like this.

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