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Thread: Kanayama Cordovan Strop 90000 - Not the quality it used to be

  1. #41
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TristanLudlow View Post
    I have cut off that piece and the rest is fine, although it's a much shorter strop now. and I feel I didn't get all of it, the difference when you hit the grainy leather is immediate while stropping.
    You could use the remaining piece for a loom type strop. A Kanayama loom type strop, a unique item!
    Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr.

  2. #42
    Senior Member Jnatcat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HungeJ0e View Post
    No that would sour my mouth too... My purchase was about 2 years ago... not trying to excuse the actions you are relaying...

    Heck even Keith Johnson on Etsy is no longer stocking the wide variety of Nagura, and stone sets he used to...
    Keith J. reminds me a lot of Jarrod from TSS and that’s all I will say….
    Steve56 and stoneandstrop like this.
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  3. #43
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TristanLudlow View Post
    Thanks for the suggestion.

    Some sort of dressing seemed indeed an issue, although, with some work that worked out fine. Not sure why that happened, my other one didn't have this problem.
    A lot of shiny little coats came off, and I mean a lot of it, but that seems gone now.
    Little specks in the leather seem ok too. Still feels plastic-y to strop on though, not a fun feeling.
    I had to literally scrape the strop with a razor, there was a proper layer of something that needed to be removed.

    The leather itself was rough and damaged near the top half, I wish I had taken a picture to show. The other part is perfect nice leather.

    I rubbed the rough part with a nagura, I scraped it with a razor, I did everything, but the leather was rough and grainy and I guarantee it was purely the leather itself. No way of fixing that. It was DEEP in the leather. clearly a leather issue. And even if it was a finish issue, which it could be, how unacceptable is that on the HIGHEST end strop they make? someone's QC has not done its job and it shouldn't be up to me to do it in their place.

    I have cut off that piece and the rest is fine, although it's a much shorter strop now. and I feel I didn't get all of it, the difference when you hit the grainy leather is immediate while stropping.

    My strop was certainly damaged because of faulty storing method by the seller.
    The white box the strop came in was DAMAGED, while the box he shipped in was NOT. Go figure.
    My strop had a fold / dent in it that pushed the edge of the strop in towards the middle, like it was sitting against something in storage; luckily the leather is so supple that it looks to not have done any permanent damage. But that's no way to send out a strop; quality control by the seller? Non-existent. Dude was just lucky he sold it and shipped it as quickly as he could.

    My strop remains cupped and irregular over its length, holding it in my hand manipulating it while stropping takes decent care of it, but still.

    It still feels night and day difference compared to my old Kanayama. I don't like this feeling in comparison. This feels like platic, while my other one feels velvety smooth.

    My other one feels like a dream, perfectly smooth, perfect draw, a highly effective strop that delivers buttery smooth edges. This one does not, maybe after breaking in?

    I have my eyes set on another 80K from a different seller; if it's still there next month I'm buying it. I'm very curious.

    I bought the last 90K he had in stock, clearly something fishy was up with the strop.
    The overall feel, fit and quality doesn't add up for me, at all.

    I don't trust this seller in the slightest bit and will not recommended anyone to buy or deal with him. I'm more mad now than I was weeks ago.
    He takes your money and runs, he doesn't reply or answer to your mails, has no responsibility and no honor. He simply ignores you, but takes your money without a problem. And he sells expensive stuff, too. I don't mind if the stuff he sells is at least quality checked and up to standards, but this was not and it maddens me. He hasn't made the slightest effort to do anything, which annoys me. Not even an e-mail back.
    Who knows what happened or what he has done to the strop?

    It's that I like my other Kanayama so much I'm willing to spend the money for another one. Although this has been a costly endeavor. And somehow the entire things does get me mad I notice now. But that's probably because I had a mishap with my old Kanayama strop.
    Reading through the posts, I don't know what to say other than since he retired, his family probably took over and may have been learning the trade but I don't see any available right now. I have one still new in the box and I got it from around 4 years ago. I understand your frustration and hope you got it lined out.

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  4. #44
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    They NEVER reacted to my e-mail or reached out to me after I notified them.
    I did cut off half the strop and use the other half. They're fine strops.

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