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Thread: Kanayama strops different draws?

  1. #1
    Senior Member azgabe's Avatar
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    Default Kanayama strops different draws?

    I have a question regarding my Kanayama strops. I have a 50k and an 80k. I understand the different numbers to indicate quality, thickness, and maybe width. My 80k is a bit wider than my 50k. The 80k is certainly thicker than the 50k. However, I much prefer the 50k. The draw on the 50k is very buttery. Feels like smooth velvet. The draw on the 80k feels more glassy, very similar to a Westholme cordovan.

    I purchased the 50k new. The 80k was purchased lightly used. The 80k strop appears to be as advertised. No wear marks on the leather. The canvas is really stiff like new. Certainly not broken in. It does however have some slight staining in a couple of spots. Maybe water on a cloth while cleaning? On Aframestokyo it recommends using a damp cloth to wipe the strop clean. I do not do this, but perhaps the previous owner did. I do not feel it is oil. I have oiled a strop before and the draw became heavier. I do not feel this, just glassier.

    Does anyone have 2+ Kanayamas that feel different? I am wondering if the draw on the 80k was changed by the previous owner or if this is normal regarding different Kanayama models.

  2. #2
    Senior Member TristanLudlow's Avatar
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    I have an old 30K that also feels buttery velvet smooth,

    I recently gotten a 90K that's cupped and twisted and certainly not up to standards. It's wavy length wise and width wise, I don't know what's up with it but that's how I received it, bought new btdubs.
    It feels more plastic/glass like when using and has less draw.
    The surface was also faulty and I had to clean it off as some sort of dried up dressing seemed to be on it that kept shedding.

    Know that this is NOT the standard for these strops. So take it for what it's worth.

    The difference is huge, I enjoy the 30K more.
    The 90K feels OK if palm rubbed and warmed up.

    But I'm curious to hear other people's opinion as my 90K that was sold to me is a sh*tshow and was damaged and the vendor turned out to be a coward.

    Btw, what timeframe did you buy yours?

    I'm still eyeing a new 30K or 80K, ergo this is a great question and I would really like to know too.
    Last edited by TristanLudlow; 05-24-2021 at 05:46 PM.

  3. #3
    Senior Member azgabe's Avatar
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    The 50k was purchased years ago. The 80k recently, but I purchased used. I am not sure of the original purchase date. Neither strop has the coating problem you are experiencing.

    I am very tempted to pick up another Kanayama as a backup.

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    Strops do break in. I have several strops that have gotten better with age.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member TristanLudlow's Avatar
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    It will indeed get better with use,

    however my old 30K feels the same where the hardware is attached (a part that has seen no usage) than it is on the working leather, very smooth and velvety.

    My 90K feels very different. Not per se worse, but different.

    In my case both strops have a different finish and feel, but my 90K is an anomaly.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Steve56's Avatar
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    Yes they can feel a little different from strop to strop, those darned horses aren’t always consistent, lol. And they do break in, polish etc with time.

    If those are water spots, wipe it with a damp cloth until the surface is uniformly damp and let it dry, that should fix it.
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  7. #7
    Senior Member azgabe's Avatar
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    Will this darken the whole strop?

  8. #8
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    I'm thinking it would darken it a little until it dried. A damp cloth doesn't hurt.
    Here are my 70K and 40K. They both have the same feel/texture when stropping but the 70K has a bit more draw. I'd say neither of them would be up to a Med draw in my opinion.
    Name:  IMG_20210526_164248924.jpg
Views: 139
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    This picture worked. Huh.
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    It's just Sharpening, right?

  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    I use a damp microfiber towel on my shell strops every month, dust is bad, I use strop socks now but still damp wipe regularly, mine are like glass and still pretty, plus some are 60 years worth of stropping
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  10. #10
    Senior Member TristanLudlow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gasman View Post
    I'm thinking it would darken it a little until it dried. A damp cloth doesn't hurt.
    Here are my 70K and 40K. They both have the same feel/texture when stropping but the 70K has a bit more draw. I'd say neither of them would be up to a Med draw in my opinion.
    Name:  IMG_20210526_164248924.jpg
Views: 139
Size:  55.7 KB
    This picture worked. Huh.

    This is very interesting.
    As I seem to find a correlation between their color and their draw.

    My old 30K is more of the dark brown color like your 70K and has more draw.
    It is a very nice velvety magnetic feeling.

    My newer 90K and 80K have more of a light brown color, like your 40K and have less draw than my darker 30K.
    It feels more like glass.
    Last edited by TristanLudlow; 06-05-2021 at 11:50 AM.
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