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Thread: Razor strop 2.0??

  1. #1
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    Default Razor strop 2.0??

    Can only find a Dutch/Belgian website advertising this; hopefully rest of the world is too clever for this.
    BobH and tintin like this.
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  2. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Looks like it's made for a cartridge razor.
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  3. #3
    Home of the Mysterious Symbol CrescentCityRazors's Avatar
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    Unfortunately a lot of people BELIEVE! This idea has been around for a while because people want to believe. Sort of like pyramid DE blade storage/rejuve/preservation. I have had two people nearly come to blows with me because I would not acknowledge that stropping a multi blade cart or disposable works. When I ask how does one strop the back side of the blade, I am accused of being combative, elitist, (Me? Elitist? I'm the Gold Dollar guy LOL!) obstructionist, an old fashioned fuddy duddy who can't change with the times, misleading, blind to the facts, deliberately discouraging, negative, and a liar liar liar. "Nanner nanner nanner, I can't heeeeeeeaaarrrrrr youuuuuuu!!! (fingers in ears) You're wrong this works you're wrong this works you're wrong wrong wrong!!!!! This DOES WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Then I repeat my question of how do you strop the back side of the blades. I just want to know!

    The fact is, you can't hone OR strop a blade on just one side for very long without at least pushing the burr back from the other side. We know that, here. Out in the wild, there are folks who will believe anything on youtube or a fleabay listing, but nothing from somebody who ought to know better. Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time, and annoys the pig.

  4. #4
    STF is offline
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    I don't disagree with anything you said but i do have a question. What do you mean de razor blade pyramid? Never heard of that!

    On a separate note. I do have one GD. I bought it originally to learn honing etc on.
    I fixed the heel (sort of) and honed it to what I considered sharp, I then decided to see if I could remove the inked on stamp from the blade so I rubbed it with brake fluid. It did indeed come off lovely. I forgot about the brake fluid and decided to shave my cheek to see if it was as sharp as I thought.
    I shaved dry because I was in the workshop with no water.

    I don't know if it was sharp enough actually because as soon as I started to shave I must have taken a few layers of skin off, that's when I remembered the brake fluid.

    The pain, Christ I almost peed myself.

    That GD has a good edge now and shaves as well as anything else I have so it's in my rotation for the time being.
    I'm not a GD cheerleader and I don't want another one, but for the price it served it's purpose.
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  5. #5
    Home of the Mysterious Symbol CrescentCityRazors's Avatar
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    HAHAHA LOL the brake fluid! I shouldn't laugh but that's funny. Next time try straight acetone. It evaporates instantly and it will get that paint/ink off the GD right quick. That's what I do, if I accidentally scratch or rub through the paint on the blade and it looks too ugly even for me. Some of the better ones have laser etching but the super cheapies are just paint. Don't get any acetone on the ABS scales, though. Heh heh heh.

    The pyramid is just some occultist junk science belief that a pyramid shape will preserve and rejuvenate anything you put under it, just like the pyramids in Egypt, which unfortunately don't preserve anything that the near zero humidity doesn't preserve already. People were online talking about how they got 759 shaves out of one Gillette blade, stuff like that LOL! Of course there were plenty of guys willing to help you out by selling you one. You know how that goes.

    You certainly can't moo about the GD price. Definitely expendable, and most models can be made to shave quite nicely. I would rather hone a GD any day than a Dovo Best. And I would as soon shave with either one, TBH.

  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth bluesman7's Avatar
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    I played around with this idea long before getting into straights just using a towel for the strop. It did seem to work to a degree. My explanation was that the stropping on one side pulled the burr in one direction and the act of shaving pulled it back the other way. Microscopically breaking the burr off somewhat similar to some theories of normal two side stropping.

    Switching to straights was a much better way to satisfy my desire to sharpen my own shaving tools.
    Last edited by bluesman7; 12-10-2021 at 09:53 PM. Reason: typo

  7. #7
    Home of the Mysterious Symbol CrescentCityRazors's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluesman7 View Post
    I played around with this idea long before getting into straights just using a towel for the strop. It did seem to work to a degree. My explanation was that the stropping on one side pulled the burr in on direction and the act of shaving pulled it back the other way. Microscopically breaking the burr off somewhat similar to some theories of normal two side stropping.

    Switching to straights was a much better way to satisfy my desire to sharpen my own shaving tools.
    Fair enough.

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