I have read the recent threads re SRD strops, and they prompted me to order the SRD Premium I and III. I really like both, and will likely be selling my SRD Latigo, which for me is a distant third among these strops. What I prefer about the I and III is that they are thinner and much more flexible than the Latigo. My Latigo has softened up quite a bit over the months, both from palm-rubbing and applications of neatsfoot, but it is still nowhere as flexible (supple?) as the I and III.

My question is whether the other two SRD Premium strops I've not tried - the Premium II and IV share the Latigo's thickness and stiffness, or whether they are closer to the SRD I and III in that regard (i.e., thinner leather, more flexible / supple out of the box.

I know lots of folks love the Bridle and the Premium II, but that really doesn't help me figure out whether it would suit my tastes. And views about draw aren't what I am looking for either; I know the Bridle is between the Latigo and Premium III, and I know the Premium II has very little draw.

Right now I just want to know where the Bridle and Premium II stand in terms of thickness / flexibility (suppleness) out of the box.

I don't want to sell my SRD Latigo only to receive a Bridle or Premium II that share the same stiffness that does not appeal to me.

Thanks for your help.


Did I mention I love the SRD II and III? Should have gotten these long ago.