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  1. #1
    Senior Member scrapcan's Avatar
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    Default fixing crowned or cupped strop

    I have done a search and looked in the wiki and have not been able to find the info to help me with a couple of strops that are either crowned or cupped or both. I did print the strop use, repair, and maintenace article but it really does not cover my issue. Or atleast that is waht I thought after reading the article.

    I have a Red Imp and another vintage (name escapes me at the moment) strop that the leather is crowned and I need to work on it.

    Also have a small loom strop that has par tof the plain leather strop side that is cupped (far end) and crowned (handle end).

    I am not sure where to go so I thought I would ask for help.
    Last edited by scrapcan; 07-30-2010 at 07:40 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I don't know about the loom but the Red Imp hanger might be brought around with this method here . I don't know so try it at your own risk.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  3. #3
    Senior Member scrapcan's Avatar
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    Default thank you


    Thank you. I had wondered if I could try the break in process to try to correct the two hanging strops. I will tryit with one of them to see if it helps.

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scrapcan View Post
    I have done a search and looked in the wiki and have not been able to find the info to help me with a couple of strops that are either crowned or cupped or both. I did print the strop use, repair, and maintenace article but it really does not cover my issue. Or atleast that is waht I thought after reading the article.

    I have a Red Imp and another vintage (name escapes me at the moment) strop that the leather is crowned and I need to work on it.

    Also have a small loom strop that has par tof the plain leather strop side that is cupped (far end) and crowned (handle end).

    I am not sure where to go so I thought I would ask for help.
    When I caused my strop to cup I had applied "too much" conditioner
    then I cleaned it too aggressively. Leather is different on each side and
    cupping is the result of one side having more or less (something) on
    one side when compared to the other.

    Eventually it solved itself... I did cover it both sides with some
    clean paper and stack some flat stuff on it. The paper pulled
    extra oil out and with use it settled in.

    Strop dressing is sold in jars that contain enough for twenty
    years. Use just a little.

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to niftyshaving For This Useful Post:

    scrapcan (08-03-2010)

  6. #5
    Senior Member scrapcan's Avatar
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    Default thanks for the resonse

    Thanks for the help. I am trying the press flat method with one of the vintage hanging strops.

    The small loom strop is a different story. I may try to make a new leather to fit loom and see what happens.

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