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  1. #1
    Member Compa's Avatar
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    Question My very first strop arrived but I have an issue

    So, I bought a SR and lucky me the razor arrived the same day as the strop. The strop is a sort of a basic one, no fancy printing nor brands or anything like that, just horse hide and a canvas strop.

    Now, since I bought it at amazon they packed it inside a box that was smaller than the length of the strope. As you can imagine, they had to bend the strop to fit the area of the box (so it came in a "U" shape... a little more open than the "U") smooth side pointing outward.

    Now, the first thing I noticed was that the strop felt a little stiff. I don't know if that's how strops are supposed to feel when new since this is my fist one but that's another tiopic.
    The thing is: since it came bent a little, I started to... you know, "unbed" it, and I noticed the leather had (on a small area) some "cracking" .... that or "surface crazing"
    As soon as I noticed this, I stop the process and laft it as it was because I didn't want to ruin my new and only strop. In a way I feel this is going to happen anyways (the cracking) due to the way the strop came packed... now my question is: what should I do?

    I was thinking on hanging it from the side the ring is and let gravty do its work. Then I read something about lathering the strop to help the leather to get a bit smoother.
    Something that just came to my mind is applying a little bit of that body lotion I use to shave (a St.Ives cream) since it leaves my skin quite smooth and hydratated.... BUT, as I said, I don't want to screw my only strop.

    Any advises? Should I just flex it to its full length? Baby oil? Voodoo?

    Thanx in advnce for your help

  2. #2
    Modine MODINE's Avatar
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    Do not put body lotion on it. I would not do anything except hang it to see if it will straighten out. If you clip some wieght on the end? Use a binderclip and bag-o-sand or something handy. Rub your hand back and forth across the surface before you use the strop to warm and impart some oil from your hand to it, That sounds wierd

    Since it's your first one you will problay cut it up any way so at least you are going about it the correct way. Check out the Wiki section on stropping. Theres a ton of leather dressings on the market that are meant for leather and hides.

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  4. #3
    Member Compa's Avatar
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    Thanx for the reply Modine
    Leather dressings are nor exactly an option here in my country. Every item of my haul has been bought through because traditional shaving here is non existent.

    I can always buy some at amazon, my birthday is close anyways haha but I am looking fordward for something more natural/homemade.

    Thanx again for the advises sir

  5. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Usually creases in strops don't come out by themselves. Try attaching a weight to the strop or put some books over it. As far as the cracking goes if it was a really cheap strop well....

    You could send it back as defective.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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  7. #5
    Member Compa's Avatar
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    I'll try both options.
    I don't think I'll return it. Sending it back to the US might cost me more than the strop and shipping itself haha. I was reading through the forum and found the Beer Bottle Technique, would you recommend it to fatten the strop? (I hope you say yes, that will be a good excuse to get a couple of beers because you know, finding the right bottle is hard)

  8. #6
    Member Compa's Avatar
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    ok, so this is what I've done so far:
    I placed the strop on the floor and extended it to its full length.
    Then, in order to set it straight, I picked up 2 of my heaviest books (Watchmen and Kingdom Come both in absolute edition haha) and put them to rest on top of the strop.

    Toda I found the leather had recovered its original form I mean, is not curved anymore, BUT I noticed the little bumpy area didn't disappeared it's about 1"

    I rubbed it with my hands a couple of times and it appears to had a little improvement, but I can't be sure yet. I'll keep rubbing it with my hands and see how it behaves.
    I don't think the bump is going to disappear just like that *snaps fingers* but I believe the strop will have a decent improvement. I am still wondering if I should try the beer bottle in a very carefully way so I can smooth that bumpy area.

    This is the best photo I could take considering the camera quality (my phone) and the light condition (only a desk lamp) you can notice it's a bit wrinkled towards the right end.

    Thanx again for the given advises and the incoming advises

  9. #7
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    IMO if you've paid for something and arrives in anything less than the condition described, or that you would expect for a new product, you can and should send it back as defective.

    A strop cant be used with wrinkles in the leather so I'd send it back and tell 'em why its creased. Ask them to send the replacement in a box thats big enough so the strop can lay flat.

    After all its not for you to fix up the item because of their lousy packaging. If you'd ordered a razor and it came with a chip in the blade you'd send it back, and this is exactly the same I think.

    I personally find it very annoying when vendors dont take care with the packaging and shipping of items because it invariably falls to the customer to sort the problem out, and if you dont you're the one out of pocket or left with a sub par item.

    Definately send it back to them, and make it their problem..!

  10. #8
    Member Compa's Avatar
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    I'll send a mail to amazon and ask them what can be done.
    I'll have to figure it out a way to return the item if they ask me to do it. I think I've only sent packages to the US in 2 ocassions haha :P

    It's interesting, people in my country is used to "deal with defective items", we usually stick with them and try to fix it.

    I'll keep you updated

  11. #9
    Member Compa's Avatar
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    Default Update

    I received a response from them

    "You may return the strop for a full credit or exchange. Include a copy of your packing slip. Specify credit or exchange."

    Also they sent me their address.
    I'll try to find out how long would it take for the item to arrive there and how much it's going to cost me.
    If it turns to be too expensive I might just get another strop but this time I'll get it from here.

    I picked up this in first instance because it fit my budget, it's kinda frustrating to find out things didn't worked out as intended

    Well, quoting a friend, that's life :P
    I'll keep you updated

  12. #10
    Senior Member jimmyfingers's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Compa View Post
    I received a response from them

    "You may return the strop for a full credit or exchange. Include a copy of your packing slip. Specify credit or exchange."

    Also they sent me their address.
    I'll try to find out how long would it take for the item to arrive there and how much it's going to cost me.
    If it turns to be too expensive I might just get another strop but this time I'll get it from here.

    I picked up this in first instance because it fit my budget, it's kinda frustrating to find out things didn't worked out as intended

    Well, quoting a friend, that's life :P
    I'll keep you updated
    What is the brand or model of the strop you bought off amazon?

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