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Thread: Surprise strop

  1. #1
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    Default Surprise strop

    So, a few months ago I bought Barbers strop and stone lot off Ebay. I was after the stones because one of them is a Franz Swatty. I don't remember how much I paid but I am sure it was less than $50. Since I am an industrial mechanic and a car guy, I thought it was cool that one of the strops (the top pic) was made by Craftsman. The second and third pix are of an unknown maker but it was interesting because it has "Panama-Pacific International Exposition San Francisco MCMXV". The last pic was the surprise of the bunch. I didn't see writing on it so I figured it was just some generic strop. Today, I decided I would clean these guys up. After applying a little oil and working it in, I started seeing letters. All I kept thinking was "oh no, it can't be, then OMG ITS A FREAKIN DUBL DUCK". This baby is getting a good cleaning then it's gonna replace my new Jemico. lol
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  2. #2
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Of course it depends on their conditions, which aren't well shown in the photos, but the Craftsman might be the better strop.

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