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  1. #1
    Junior Member Rookie1's Avatar
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    Default to all stroppers

    Merry Christmas to all.

    I've read for months on stropping and understand the purpose however, I have a question. Why stop before every shave? you don't have to do it if you use a safety razor, although I did read a thread where someone used the palm of their hand to get some additional shaves from their blade. Normally you can get a good weeks shave from a safety razor without any stropping at all. So if your straight razor is shave ready why can't you go a couple of days without stropping. So far I have only been able to go 3 days without stropping before feeling a drag. Just curious that's all.

    Best always, Rookie 1

  2. #2
    Senior Member jeffegg2's Avatar
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    To get the best possible shave...

    You also don't dispose of a straight razor blade... Do you really have to toss that DE blade? Can't you just keep shaving with it forever??

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    According to the 1961 barber manual, and all others AFAIK, you'll always get a better shave by straightening/refreshing the edge on a strop. Many shavers strop after the shave as well to get any micro gunk out of the bevel after rinsing and drying the blade. That is what I do anyway.... but I confess that I like to strop razors.
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  4. #4
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    To me, shave ready means stropped. That is part of the reason why all the guys that offer honing services strop the razor before sending it out.

    Like Jeff said, you don't have to strop, but not stropping will give you a lower quality shave (maybe not straight off the hones - that I don't know, but between shaves).

  5. #5
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    You know Lee/Hoglahoo and I had a great discussion on this and here was the conclusion after a ton of the science stuff..

    DE and Disposables use special coatings to make the blades "Slicker" ... On a Straight we do know for sure, besides all the scientific stuff that we believe, that stropping the razor burnishes, and polishes, the edge, making it "Slicker" and if not for any other reason, I am good with just that one

    "Strop away Marelle, Marelle, strop away"

    5:30 into the vid
    Last edited by gssixgun; 12-24-2010 at 05:56 PM.

  • #6
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rookie1 View Post
    Why stop before every shave?
    I stop before every shave for a moment of silence in respect of the short lives of the whiskers about to be sacrificed to the straight razor shaving gods.

    Strapping the razor is to improve the razor's edge and get a better shave. If strapping doesn't improve your shave, you probably aren't strapping it right, or maybe it just isn't necessary for you. You can probably go a few shaves before you really need to give your razor a good strapping - I find personally that a few trips down the strap before and/or after each shave ensures a tip-top shaving edge on my razor
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  • #7
    Shaveurai Deckard's Avatar
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    It works, how I have no clue, but a violin HHT can be turned into a catch pop after stroping. I also know this little extra won't last the shave, in fact I strop between passes.

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  • #8
    Baby Butt Smooth... justalex's Avatar
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    I just know once my stropping technique became proficient, my shaves became so much smoother, and also, sharper = less chance of pulling, catching... blood.

  • #9
    Junior Member Rookie1's Avatar
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    What's your point. I like to hone and strop my razors. The question is why doesn't the razor hold the edge for a week like a DE

  • #10
    Junior Member Rookie1's Avatar
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    I agree, you do get a better shave but why doesn't the edge last longer?
    Last edited by Rookie1; 12-25-2010 at 03:15 PM.

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