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    bkk is offline
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    Default A few stropping questions

    I'm sure these questions have been answere in previous threads, but rather than read all day i thought i'd ask again. First, is stropping compound necessary, and if so what kind is best? I'm new to this, and ordered a shave ready dovo, i know i will need to strop it between shaves, but i have read mixed things about stropping with compounds or diamond sprays. Second, when stropping what angle should i hold the blade against the leather? i know you want to go along the same angle as the bevel, but when i see people stropping fast i wonder how they know if their at the right angle or if they're messing up the edge? i could really use some advice from a veteran here haha

  2. #2
    This is not my actual head. HNSB's Avatar
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    Compounds are used to refresh a slightly dulled edge. You don't use them routinely.
    With your new shave ready razor you shouldn't need any stropping compounds for a couple of months. When you use it, you don't put it on your regular strop. You can put it on the back side or get a strop that you intend to use only as a pasted strop.

    The razor should be held flat on the strop and drawn spine first. There isn't really an angle to worry about. The spine and the edge should both touch.
    I suppose by angle you could mean do you draw it heel forward, straight across, or toe forward... There was a thread about that somewhere, and different people do it differently. Personally I keep the blade perpendicular to the strop and draw in an x-pattern. covers everything about stropping properly.

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    ok, so the spine and edge should both touch? this is what i was wondering about by the angle, i should have said what angle do you hold the blade to the strop.
    thanks for the help, i havent received my strop or razor in the mail yet, are the back of strops the same as the front, or is the back rougher? whats your opinions on using felt or denim or canvas for pastes or sprays?

  4. #4
    This is not my actual head. HNSB's Avatar
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    That shows how the razor should touch the strop.

    Depending on the strop, the back is likely to be rougher than the front. Some people use that for pastes.
    I personally use chromium oxide (green paste) on canvas for my pasted strop. IIRC Lynn prefers canvas for CrOx and felt for the diamond sprays.

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    Ok thanks for the help! seriously... i need it lol i hope i'm not asking too many stupid questions, but hey....i'm a noob. So heres one more. Whats the difference between the pastes and the diamond spray? which would be better to use and touch up blades?

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    This is not my actual head. HNSB's Avatar
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    That is entirely personal preference. You have to try blades done with both and see what you like.

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    bkk is offline
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    ok, so since i've ordered a dovo i was looking at some of their stropping pastes. I've heard alot of people use the green, but on their site they say its for duller blades and is very coarse. They say the red paste is for less dull blades and refreshes the edge, has anyone tried these? would you recommend red or green?

  8. #8
    Senior Member Zorro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bkk View Post
    ok, so since i've ordered a dovo i was looking at some of their stropping pastes. I've heard alot of people use the green, but on their site they say its for duller blades and is very coarse. They say the red paste is for less dull blades and refreshes the edge, has anyone tried these? would you recommend red or green?
    I just tried the red Dovo paste. I wanted to touch up a sr8 I just honed on a 4/8 Norton. Gave it 10 strokes to start with. Then went to my 12k Chinese, 10 strokes there too. Then strop (25 on linen and 50 on leather.) Test shave and it came out great. The paste seemed to help give it a little bit smoother finish.

    I would like to try next is the black Dovo paste but I am finishing on a 12k so I will have to see.

    Good Luck.

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    Senior Member janivar123's Avatar
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    Dovo green and the green(chromium oxide) alot of people use here is two different things
    If you choose Dovo paste the red one is the one id suggest

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