Quote Originally Posted by Tommo View Post
I ebayed my strop,and it just so happens to be used in one of these kits.
Paddy did yours come with the second strop,and what is it made of?.....think I'll cut mine off and throw it away!
Yes it did come with the second strop.
It seems to be leatherette backed with the fluffy side of Velcro, lol! I have no idea why it's there or how it could be used, it certainly isn't like the canvas/fabric strops I've seen.
Personally I will remove it if I can do so without damaging the clasp bit, if not it will stay attached but unused!

PhatMan> I will eventually buy a proper quality strop, and thanks for the recommendations, but at present a cheap solution is required - plus I will probably nick/cut it whilst learning proper technique, so I have followed the wiki advice and got one I won't be too upset if I damage!