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  1. #1
    Member tboyer's Avatar
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    Default Leather strop draw?

    Howdy everyone, people talk about the draw of a leather
    strop. Is that reference to the resistance of the strop, and
    is a heavy draw strop more aggressive?

  2. #2
    . Bill S's Avatar
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    Draw relates to the amount of resistance or friction you feel as you move the razor up and down the strop. A strop with low draw will feel like the razor just glides over the surface and a high draw stop will feel like the razor is almost sticking to the leather. I think that a strop with a lot of draw will have more effect (per stroke) on the razors edge than one with less draw. Anticipating your next question...neither one is "better". They are different and many of us end up with multiple strops. Typically someone might prefer a light draw strop for lighter blades such as full hollows and something with more draw for heavier grinds.

  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I've found draw to be a physical characteristic of the leather however I've not found any ultimate differences in the job the strop does be the draw high or low. The only thing I have found is after I hone a razor a high draw strop will exhibit increasing draw the sharper the razor.
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