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Thread: Imperfection in the leather causes a bump. Is this a problem?

  1. #1
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    Default Imperfection in the leather causes a bump. Is this a problem?

    Hello everyone, I recently purchased a black latigo 3" strop from Classic Shaving. When I received the strop about two weeks ago, I noticed near the center there was a hard spot, which felt like someone was pushing up from the other side with their finger. I have been giving a thorough palm rub down two to three times a day, trying to smooth it out. Now the rest of the strop feels supple and baby soft, but this spot appears to have raised slightly and is now a dime size imperfection in the leather. It almost looks like a knot hole in a piece of wood (but no hole). When I strop my razor over it, it makes a different sound when going over this part. What do you recommend?

    Also, I name Classic Shaving only for everyone to know the strop I am talking about and in no way do I mean to put them on blast. They are good people and I have purchased all my razors and most of my supplies from them, every time being completely satisfied with their customer service. Plus, I enjoy spending a day in Palm Springs visiting their store, it has become a bit of a hobby.

  2. #2
    This is not my actual head. HNSB's Avatar
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    Try rubbing a glass bottle over it several times with a fair amount of pressure.

    Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to HNSB For This Useful Post:

    ramosmlpd (01-03-2012)

  4. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ramosmlpd View Post
    Hello everyone, I recently purchased a black latigo 3" strop from Classic Shaving. When I received the strop about two weeks ago, I noticed near the center there was a hard spot, which felt like someone was pushing up from the other side with their finger. I have been giving a thorough palm rub down two to three times a day, trying to smooth it out. Now the rest of the strop feels supple and baby soft, but this spot appears to have raised slightly and is now a dime size imperfection in the leather. It almost looks like a knot hole in a piece of wood (but no hole). When I strop my razor over it, it makes a different sound when going over this part. What do you recommend?

    Also, I name Classic Shaving only for everyone to know the strop I am talking about and in no way do I mean to put them on blast. They are good people and I have purchased all my razors and most of my supplies from them, every time being completely satisfied with their customer service. Plus, I enjoy spending a day in Palm Springs visiting their store, it has become a bit of a hobby.
    I recommend you ask the folk at Classic Shaving for an opinion.

    This could be a scar from barbed wire or some other damage to
    the original skin before it was tanned. Leather is a natural product
    and will have small to large blemishes from time to time.

    Mostly these are not a problem. Do not do anything
    special until you hear from the seller/vendor.

    You can often rub it with the round bottom bit of a big kitchen spoon
    after a drop of water on the spot and tool it down. Some would
    rub it with their DMT after pulling it tight over a baseball or
    the like so the wart gets the most attention and is reduced.
    Do, inspect both sides as reducing the scar from the back may
    be the best trick. A glass bottle rubbing is also a good trick.

    If CS was to PM me and make me a good offer for a used/ returned strop
    like this I might jump at it if the fabric side was what I want. I believe
    it would strop as fine as any. To me leather with character is often a bonus.

    Talk to the folk at CS... If you have not been too slow they will be
    very helpful.
    Last edited by niftyshaving; 01-03-2012 at 04:37 AM.

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to niftyshaving For This Useful Post:

    ramosmlpd (01-03-2012)

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    Thanks guys. I will try the glass bottle in the mean time. I considered calling the CS guys, but didn't want to appear whining if it really wasn't a big deal, but with your advise, I will send them a message.

  7. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ramosmlpd View Post
    Thanks guys. I will try the glass bottle in the mean time. I considered calling the CS guys, but didn't want to appear whining if it really wasn't a big deal, but with your advise, I will send them a message.
    Good stuff.
    I always give clear feedback when I am the least concerned.

    A busy vendor will not often open and inspect each and every strop.
    The risk of adding damage is real and without feedback they
    may never discover the issues before customers.

    Today with phones, digital cameras and email it is easy to communicate
    with vendors in clear and honest ways.

  8. #6
    Senior Member Wintchase's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ramosmlpd View Post
    Hello everyone, I recently purchased a black latigo 3" strop from Classic Shaving. When I received the strop about two weeks ago, I noticed near the center there was a hard spot, which felt like someone was pushing up from the other side with their finger. I have been giving a thorough palm rub down two to three times a day, trying to smooth it out. Now the rest of the strop feels supple and baby soft, but this spot appears to have raised slightly and is now a dime size imperfection in the leather. It almost looks like a knot hole in a piece of wood (but no hole). When I strop my razor over it, it makes a different sound when going over this part. What do you recommend?

    Also, I name Classic Shaving only for everyone to know the strop I am talking about and in no way do I mean to put them on blast. They are good people and I have purchased all my razors and most of my supplies from them, every time being completely satisfied with their customer service. Plus, I enjoy spending a day in Palm Springs visiting their store, it has become a bit of a hobby.
    And that is how the movie always starts my friend... Pack a bag and get out of the house! It is clearly an egg sack for some demonic creature that is going to use your strop as a host.... My sugestion would be for holy water, a candle made from sheep tallow, a cross, black robe, and a large container of tic tacs before every shave. Or... You could take it back and get another one.....

    Really though, it is a legit complaint. You will have that strap for twenty years. If it bugs you now, it will bug you the entire time you own it. I am sure they would understand.
    niftyshaving likes this.

  9. #7
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    What makes a strop a quality piece is the fact it is free of defects. it makes no sense to me YOU trying to overcome the defect in a new strop you paid good money for. It should be replaced with the quality piece you paid for.

    CS is a quality outfit and they will make things right with you.
    niftyshaving likes this.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  10. #8
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    Thanks guys for the input and thank to CS for offering to exchange the strop. I tried the glass bottle, which flattened the spot, but caused the leather around the spot to sink. As a last ditch effort, my friend who makes police holsters recommend I rub a liberal amount of olive oil then press it between two flat plates (I used left over granite pieces) using a vice, which I left over night. The next day, it was perfectly flat. It worked and I did not need to exchange the strop. I guess it was equivalent to a months worth of rubbing with a glass bottle.
    niftyshaving likes this.

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