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Thread: Caring for a Strop

  1. #11
    Member Padraig's Avatar
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    I will run the strop over my head (I keep my head shaved) or my forhead and it will put a little more oil on the leather.
    +1 I usually just wipe my forehead and nose with my hand and then hit the strop with some good swipes. Seems to be working well so far.

  2. #12
    Senior Member Johnus's Avatar
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    Isn't that why there's a Linen part to the Strop?
    roughkype likes this.

  3. #13
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    Thanks for the all the great advice. Hand rubbing shall be my preferred method until such time that I have multiple strops and some get neglected from lack of use. I'm quite excited. My strop and razor arrived today...although yesterday while shaving I came to the conclusion that my mug was woefully inadequate at keeping in the lather. Time to make a run to the local store for something more spacious.

  4. #14
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    I once found a Scotch Lassie that was extremely stiff and dry. It had been in an attic (Minnesota, above the 45th parallel) for quite some time. I used a bit of Red Wing Boot Oil. It salvaged the leather quite nicely.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by rolodave View Post
    I once found a Scotch Lassie that was extremely stiff and dry. It had been in an attic (Minnesota, above the 45th parallel) for quite some time. I used a bit of Red Wing Boot Oil. It salvaged the leather quite nicely.
    A Scotch Lassie? What was her name? Did you at least buy her dinner for all the abuse she endured? And calling a lady "stiff and dry" isn't exactly polite behaviour.

  6. #16
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    I like strops and have 7 of them. I rotate evenly through all of them and I shave every day. I've never applied anything to my strops other than a palm rubbing prior to each stropping session. I have some neatsfoot oil, which I got from SRP, for my horsehide strop. Horsehide has such a light draw that many consider it too slick. The neatsfoot is recommended to add some draw to the horsehide. However, I've never had to use it.

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