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  • 1 Post By thebigspendur

Thread: Possible blemish?

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Default Possible blemish?

    I received a Walkin' Horse horsebutt strop for Christmas. As I was rubbing in some conditioning oil, I felt a rough spot. Upon closer examination, there is an area about the size of a nickel that is sort of rippled - not much at all, it is almost imperceivable. It feels like five or six very shallow parallel indentations. In fact, when I bend the strop at that point, it dissappears. I am pretty sure this is no big deal, but I was wondering if any small imperfection in a strop is a bad idea for the razor's sake.

    Thanks to any who respond - I know I not giving you guys much to go on!


  2. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    What makes a strop a quality piece is it being consistently smooth throughout.When you strop if you can feel the imperfections that's bad news. If you can't feel anything then it should be safe to use.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member jpcwon's Avatar
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    If it doesn't affect the draw then I wouldn't worry too much about it. I just got a Tony Miller 3" steerhide for xmas, and my mother spilled water on the bottom of it as she was packing it! Fortunately it appears to just be a cosmetic thing as the draw was not affected. Hopefully yours is too!

    My poor mother offered to buy me a new one, but I told her that it's quite alright...I just refer to it as a "birthmark"!

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