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  1. #1
    Senior Member etorix's Avatar
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    Default Strop Restore :: Effax +Glycerine VG

    Last week i traded some fingerstone material [a soft flaky waterstone from da bay that im cutting up] for 2 old strops, one is too narrow really but this one i like

    shell = cordovan

    no saddlesoap here, but id recently obtained a small tub of Effax for some old Swedish army boots i nearly bought
    Effax | Equine Products Direct
    effax | eBay
    and i needed a bottle of VG Glycerine for vaping purposes anyway ...

    Effax is a horse-tack and saddle-maintenance product, which both smells delightful and seemed to work a treat, it feeds as it cleans

    ... and glycerin is highly recommended elsewhere on here

    did i mention that Effax SMELLS GREAT

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    How did the Effax / VG work? I just won a couple of strops on EBay. I make my own e-liquid as well so I'm stocked up on VG. Im just pouring through threads trying to learn how to recondition.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    I have had a lot of horse tack and I used to use Turf Soap.(was like a big jar of white pudding) Everybody at the track had a gallon of it. Cleaned all leather and conditioned it at the same time. Now it is no longer made so I use Liquid Glycerin which works the same. Spread generously while rubbing to clean. wipe dry with a clean towel. After it dries in a couple of days or so add a few drops of Neetsfoot oil. I have 3 old strops that cleaned up real nice this way and 1 thick one I had to do twice before adding neetsfoot. Stay away from anything that has wax in it like some saddle soaps and products made for boots.
    Good judgment comes from experience, and experience....well that comes from poor judgment.

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