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  1. #1
    ECD is offline
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    Default Looking after a " Big Daddy " English Bridel Strop

    Hi it is me again for some more help. I just recently brought a English Bridle leather strop from Shaving Supplies its Nickname is "Big Daddy" I am happy with it as far as my Strop knowledge goes ( with is not much) Can you experts on here tell me the best way of looking after it please. I am a bit confused some are saying run your palm up and down the strop (how many time do i do this and how often) I have also been told and brought a (small white tube with a yellow stripe around it) have also been told to use this on the leather as well ( how much and how often & how do I apply this) and last of all Neetfoot Oil So you can now see why i need help what to do to keep it good.And 2 more things to ask if you do not mind on the other side of the strop there is a whitish fabric whats that for ? the Q is I want a second strop as well maybe even a better one if there is one what would be the next step up from the one I have now? Sorry asking all these questions but the more I know the better I will get Many Thanks for any help given Eric P.S. My strop hangs in the bathroom if that's any help

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Hi, no strop expert here, but that white tube with yellow stripe sounds suspiciously like a polishing compound that is usually put on fabric strops. If it is I would not put it on the leather. All I do for mine which is bridle leather is rub my palm up and down about 10 times before every use. That seems to work. You can and I have used Neats Foot oil on an old strop that was dry to bring it back to life. The thing with Neats Foot oil is that you need to use very very little and hand rub it in and then let it dry thoroughly before use. There is some info on strops here Razor Strops - Straight Razor Place Wiki in case you have not seen it.

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  3. #3
    Senior Member Silents's Avatar
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    English Bridle Strops are excellent quality of strops and the one you purchased should last you many years.

    As far as how to take care of your strop, there are as many different opinions as there are members here. I will give you my opinion based on experiences I've had with various strops.

    Rubbing of the hand
    Many believe that the oils of a clean, but not freshly washed hand will keep the strop in good shape and condition the strop. You should be using the palm of your hand and rubbing briskly until you feel the warmth of the friction form the rubbing. I've used this on my Kangaroo Strop for over a year and this works very well.

    White tube w/yellow stripe
    This is a Dovo strop paste, the yellow signifies that this is a conditioner. The one downside/unknown is the level of abrasion this paste produces. Dovo does not say if there is an abrasive quality to this paste. Issued this on some lower priced/quality strops and have good results. The paste increases the draw a bit when stropping.

    Neatsfoot oil
    This is a product that is known as a leather conditioner, usually for horse saddles or leather shoes. I tried this on a strop that I got as a package deal with a razor from eBay. The strop was incredibly dry and almost brittle when I received it. The Neatsfoot oil brought some life back to the strop, but IMO made the strop a little oily and I didn't receive the draw I was expecting.

    If your strop was mine, I would start off using the rubbing the hand method for a few months. If you notice the draw (feedback from the razor, how much it pulls as you strop) is very low, then I might try the paste. You shouldn't have to use the paste if you have been rubbing the strop every time you use it. I personally would skip the Neatsfoot Oil.

    A far as the white side to your strop. It is either linen or hard felt. The general consensus is that you should start stropping with the white side and then move to the leather side. The hard felt or linen is used to clean the razor ( you should always clean and dry your razor after use) and align the edge of the razor in preparation for the leather.

    Again in my opinion, the only better quality leather for a strop is kangaroo. It is a lot thinner and flexible. The key to using this kind of leather is to ensure that you are pulling it very tight before stropping.

    As far as hanging it in the bathroom, many members here will tell you that because of the changes in temperature and humidity from a shower, the strop may curl or buckle. I hand mine in the bathroom, but condition it (with my palm) every day. If you are not shaving everyday, you might want to consider hanging it in a less dynamic environment, like your bedroom.

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I just do the palming occasionally on mine. If I want more draw a bit, and I mean just a bit, of neatsfoot oil. A very little goes a very long way.

  5. #5
    ECD is offline
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    Thanks Guys for the good advice also where can i Buy one of these kangaroo strops that everybody seems to like ? And now the very silly Q Jimmy when you say "If I want more draw" does that mean does it mean less drag on the razor when you strop if not what does the word "drawing the razor mean" Many thanks from a "Silly Arse" PS the strop has to be 3" wide
    Last edited by ECD; 03-20-2013 at 05:57 PM.

  6. #6
    Senior Member officerdread's Avatar
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    I have a Big Daddy I use also. Nice strop. I rub my palm on it before stropping untill I feel it getting warm. Do "NOT" wash your hands prior to doing this as it allows the oils in your skin to help condition the strop. I wouldnt use the paste on it...

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