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Thread: lapping hard wool felt

  1. #1
    Mortal Member bombay's Avatar
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    Default lapping hard wool felt

    i recently purchased crox in the powder form. having read the wiki on here it said it was possible to mix it with a bit of water which i did, then applied to the hard wool felt pad for my modular paddle. the felt has now swelled in places and left badly dished pockets.

    do i lap it hard?

    do i spray it all evenly with water to hope it swells out more evenly, dry, then lap it?

    scrap it, buy some balsa and start again on that?


  2. #2
    Senior Member kwlfca's Avatar
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    lapping wool sounds crazy to me, but what do I know.
    Is it still wet? Have you tried leaving it to dry?

  3. #3
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    I had a similar issue with drops of water on a bench strop. I used an iron on low setting and that solved my problem. I had (2 )1/4 inch wide water drop marks that were sticking up a little. I had to hit it a couple times.

  4. #4
    GAP is offline
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    Maybe SRD has a suggestion for you. They have great customer service there. I use their diamond spray and crox spray on the hard wool with no problems. Good luck.
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  5. #5
    I'm a social vegan. I avoid meet. JBHoren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bombay View Post
    i recently purchased crox in the powder form. having read the wiki on here it said it was possible to mix it with a bit of water which i did, then applied to the hard wool felt pad for my modular paddle. the felt has now swelled in places and left badly dished pockets.

    do i lap it hard?

    do i spray it all evenly with water to hope it swells out more evenly, dry, then lap it?

    scrap it, buy some balsa and start again on that?
    Quote Originally Posted by GAP View Post
    Maybe SRD has a suggestion for you. They have great customer service there. I use their diamond spray and crox spray on the hard wool with no problems. Good luck.
    From my limited experience, I believe it is as described by the OP and GAP's reply. That is, "brother" GAP used the SRD CrO2 (crox) in a spray, while the OP applied it as a liquid (or via a wet applicator).

    When it happened to me, I was chagrined, then PO'd at myself; and now, quite honestly, I'm scratching my head, asking "Why didn't I think of lapping the !@#$ piece of felt???" Instead, I just tossed it. Learning curves are neither easy, nor inexpensive. Try using your CrO2 in a spray bottle, and test it on a smaller piece of felt, first. Also, I would try making several "light" passes with the spray bottle, rather than a single "heavy" or "soaking" pass.

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  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I don't think you lap hard felt, I don't think it is possible to do so. I did the same as Bill3152 suggested when I had water drops raise portions of the hard felt side of my 3 inch hanging strop. I do apply my Crox mix with a spray bottle but to a balsa strop. I would try the iron on a clean but expendable cloth laid on top of the hard felt.


    Try the steam setting on the iron and then no steam. If there is no steam setting on the iron dampen the cloth.

    Last edited by BobH; 07-02-2013 at 02:22 AM.
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  7. #7
    Not with my razor 🚫 SirStropalot's Avatar
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    I sprayed two of the felts for the modular paddle strop. One was fine, the other came out wavy. Tried ironing it, and pressing it.....threw it away.

    Here's a video that shows spraying wool felt. They're for the paddle strop, but it's the same process. Less moisture is better and you can always make a second application after the first dries.


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    thanks a million bill and bob. i have just finished ironing it three seconds ago and it is now perfect!!!
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    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    You are welcome, glad it worked out for you.

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