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Thread: some vintage strops my wife brought home

  1. #1
    Senior Member dslazar9's Avatar
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    Default some vintage strops my wife brought home

    Here's some interesting strops my wife brought home. I never knew there was a Red Imp Strop. They're not in great shape but I'd appreciate any info on them. Are they decent? Worth keeping? How does it compare to my Illinois 361?
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  2. #2
    The First Cut is the Deepest! Magpie's Avatar
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    Nince Strops. The Imp looks a bit "rough" but as long as the leather is not dried out a light application of neatsfoot oil will go a long way to bringing it back. The Valantine looks pretty good. Any nicks or slices will need to be dressed down, but I see no reason why either of these should not be a nice bit of leather. The Imp had a pretty good rep.

    Good luck, and make sure to get the wife something in return as a thank you, so that she might bring you more goodies in the future!

  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    That red imp is about as good a strop as you will ever find vintage or new. It's very thick and is horsehide. if it still has the linen component clean it and use it. The linen is of a quality you can't get anymore. That strop is the perfect example of "they don't make em like that anymore".
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  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    +1 to what thebigspendur said about the Imp. I've never had the Illinois but I've read good things. A lot of guys like them. Edit; just looked at the pix again, if it ain't an Illinois it still looks like a quality piece.

  5. #5
    Senior Member crouton976's Avatar
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    I have two of the 814 strops, and that one is in better shape than both of mine, at least on the leather side... The linen side should say "Genuine Belfast Linen", which was supposed to be super high quality . If you ever decide you wanna sell it, definitely send me a PM... I love both of mine, and wish I could get both sides in better shape than I have.

    Consequently, every time I strop I think of the Ballad Of William Bloat:

    The Ballad Of William Bloat

    In a mean abode on the Skankill Road
    Lived a man named William Bloat;
    He had a wife, the curse of his life,
    Who continually got his goat.
    So one day at dawn, with her nightdress on
    He cut her bloody throat.

    With a razor gash he settled her hash
    Oh never was crime so quick
    But the drip drip drip on the pillowslip
    Of her life blood made him sick.
    And the pool of gore on the bedroom floor
    Grew clotted and cold and thick.

    And yet he was glad he had done what he had
    When she lay there stiff and still
    But a sudden awe of the angry law
    Struck his heart with an icy chill.
    So to finish the fun so well begun
    He resolved himself to kill.

    He took the sheet from the wife's coul' feet
    And twisted it into a rope
    And he hanged himself from the pantry shelf,
    'Twas an easy end, let's hope.
    In the face of death with his latest breath
    He solemnly cursed the Pope.

    But the strangest turn to the whole concern
    Is only just beginning.
    He went to Hell but his wife got well
    And she's still alive and sinning.
    For the razor blade was German made
    But the sheet was Belfast linen.
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  6. #6
    Senior Member rodb's Avatar
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    As long as they aren't cut and sliced up they will be fine. There is some great info on here about strop reconditioning. Like others have said, the Red Imp strop should be great!!

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