Cool. You'll be a professional in no time.

On what you mentioned -- you always see videos of people stropping like madmen, whipping the razor up and down the leather like they're trying to beat an egg or something. At that speed, you're only apt to screw up your edge. The possibility of making a mistake is more likely the faster you go, especially when you consider how delicate the edge is and how precise a stroke has to be to keep it perfectly flat on the leather.

I approach my stropping much like my honing. When I'm using the stone, I don't feel the need to rush it, so naturally I feel the same about edge refinement on the strop, which is much further along in the process. Arguably, that's when you should be the most careful, since mucking up your edge at that point means going all the way back to square one at the hone.

I try to make each stroke on the strop perfect, because I've already worked hard to ensure my edge is. Try to go at a slow to medium pace, at best.