It should have occured to me to put these here - still working on the technique. It's an old Joseph Elliot that's in rough shape...hoping for the opportunity to upgrade at some point. I don't think I'll ever go back to regular razors - thanks for putting together such a great forum...I've learned tons just since yesterday!
Thanks for the thanks! I have to say, after a week on the forum I've seen just how out of whack my technique is! I've watched quite a lot of you do this (either on the forum or youtube) and I've gotten far better in the last few days. I'm hoping to smooth the whole process out.
My blade is starting to dull to the point of discomfort and since I'm not in a position to get a "nice" razor, I'm hoping get a Norton stone next week so I can try to do some work on the one I have (it needs honing, new scales,'s a bit of a dog!).
Well, I watched them all, and I'd like to comment.
I find absolutely nothing wrong with your shaving technique. I don't know how long you've been straight shaving, but I find your shaving technique quite good.
I liked the music! - especially "day 4". Day 5 was errie and moody, especially with the music and the look of the film (was that on purpose?)
I don't know if your are actually doing any beard prep. I saw a little in day four, but, otherwise,I would suggest you should work on that.
I would have loved to have heard some comments! At least at the end, "Damn, that was a great shave" lol
Wow - you are too kind! I appreciate your positive and encouraging response...I'm still finding my sea (shave) legs! I've been at this about a month (I shave almost everyday, except with work and two children, finding time that is "quiet" to make the videos is hard to come by) - it took about 3 weeks to get the Seven Days and I still have one more to post! Initially I made them (there is also day 6 now) so my folks, who live quite far away, could see, but thought some music might make it a little less boring to watch.
The thing that really helped after watching everyone do it was being aware of keeping the blade/scale at a 90 degree angle rather than almost straight across (for the beginning of the first pass). I have that on the day 6 video and it worked much better. Finding good grips for the ATG pass has been tough, but I might have it down now.
I think you may be right...I'll finish the next one with a great, big Aaaaahhhh!